Total Retail Tech Insights
Total Retail Tech Insights was created as a resource for executives in the retail industry who seek information and solutions for their technology wants and needs. Through brief but in-depth interviews with subject matter experts and industry thought leaders, listeners take away actionable information and practical advice to help drive their technology road maps. From idea to implementation, Total Retail Tech Insights is the content retail executives need to optimize their use of technology throughout their organizations.

In this episode of Total Retail Tech Insights, Editor-in-Chief Joe Keenan interviews Mitesh Lakhani, senior director of solutions consulting at Adverity, the integrated data platform for the modern marketer. Listen in as Lakhani details his career background and Adverity's offerings (1:00), the evolution of marketing data management in retail (2:50), and the biggest data management challenges that retailers are facing today (4:35). He discusses attribution (6:40), consumer behavior across channels (8:00), and why data integration and management is so critical for today's retailers (11:30).

In addition, Lakhani shares the key metrics to evaluating marketing performance (13:50), how organizations can future-proof their data management solutions and approach (15:25), and how artificial intelligence factors into that process (17:35). He discusses two case studies showcasing successful data integration with Adverity retail clients (19:55), key lessons learned from challenging projects over the years (24:20), and how he sees the role of data in the retail industry evolving in the near future (26:25). Lastly, Lakhani shares his top tips for retailers starting out on their data journey (28:40) as well as how listeners can learn more about Adverity (30:30).

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