New Orleans, LA – On May 4 at the Annual Conference for Catalog and Multichannel Merchants, Catalog Choice will unveil a set of new premium services that will enable merchants to better connect with consumers using customized digital tools and online distribution methods. These new premium tools allow merchants to create digital catalogs and portable widgets, which can be used to distribute product information across the Web and on cell phones. Within Catalog Choice, companies can now offer email opt-in to send messages directly to consumers who want to hear from them.
John Seebeck
Tired of reading about what a tough year it’s been for so many businesses across the board? Frustrated with your own results? Scared about the economy? Whether or not you’re struggling as much as others, here’s a little tonic: our annual best-of feature, in which we’ve pulled what we believe to be the 50 best and most implementable tips of the year from Catalog Success magazine as well as our weekly e-newsletter, Tactics & Tips. There’s nothing fancy here. Each paragraph is taken from a particular story that’s referenced, so you can turn or click back to reread the full story or act on