Workwear retailer Duluth Trading Co. has promoted Stephanie Pugliese to president and chief merchandise officer, effective immediately. Duluth Trading said that Pugliese most recently served as senior vice president of product development and marketing, spearheading the evolution and expansion of Duluth Trading's women's line.
Maybe your products aren’t pretty like Pottery Barn’s, retro like Restoration Hardware’s or delicious like Dean & DeLuca’s, but that doesn’t mean your photography has to be boring. Eye-flow studies show that when customers browse catalogs, they look at the pictures first. If an image captures their interest, they then go through a well-documented decision-tree process. Get the picture right, and you’re in the game to score a sale. Get it wrong, and the customer turns the page. The secret to effective B-to-B photography is to focus on the benefits. Benefit-driven inset photos, along with the main product shots, are effective ways to