
Top Article of the Week
August 30, 2012

This week's top article deals with a topic that all online retailers are interested in — how to increase conversions. Specifically, the focus of the article is on driving conversions from your homepage through the use of product recommendations. This got me thinking, what other strategies are retailers using effectively on their homepage to drive conversions? How about on your products pages and at checkout? Go to Retail Online Integration's Twitter page and use the hashtag #ROIMostClicked to give us your thoughts.

4 Tips to Increase Conversions From Your Homepage
August 27, 2012

Your homepage sets the stage for the overall site experience. The goal of your homepage is to give the shopper a compass to direct them through the site and to the right products for them. Shoppers that click through a product recommendation on the homepage are 20 percent more likely to convert than shoppers that don't. Here are four tips for getting those coveted clicks on your homepage:

Free Whitepaper: Unlocking the Secrets of Big Data
May 29, 2012

If the smartest retailer wins, data is your biggest competitive advantage. Rich, timely customer information leads to smarter decision making and greater profits. However, retailers face challenges in both accessing their data and determining how to capitalize on it to grow their businesses. Download the whitepaper Unlocking the Secrets of Big Data to learn how segmentation and analysis tools can be used to harness big data and to deliver more personalized and profitable marketing.