
What Will Be the New Google?
July 7, 2011

Sometime in 2012, Google is going to surrender its position as โ€œtheโ€ place for search on the internet. I'm quite serious. What will replace it? Chatter marketing engines will. They're going to be the leading source of online customer acquisition, retention and lifetime value sometime over the next year-and-a-half.

Swamped, Google+ Halts Invites
July 1, 2011

Google stopped inviting users to join its new social network less than 48 hours after beginning a limited release of the service. Google Senior Vice President of Engineering Vic Gundotra said the company had shut down the invite mechanism for the Google+ service for the night, in a note he posted on Google+.

Google+ Launched With Similarities to Facebook
June 30, 2011

At the ripe old age of seven, could Facebook be overtaken by a new competitor? Google has unleashed its own social platform, Google+. A spokeswoman said the company began the project "to see what a Google approach to sharing would look like, and to see if we could come up with a better way of connecting with the different people in our lives."

Leveraging Industry Standards to Create a Compelling Web Presence
June 29, 2011

The nice thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from. They're valuable and are used throughout the web development process. Certainly the web is comprised entirely of standards, from HTTP to HTML, web services, transaction processes, linked data processes and new methods of sharing information across shopping channels like Milo.

5 Tips for Higher E-Book ROI
June 28, 2011

We all know that e-books are on the rise. If you had any doubts, Amazon squelched them with its recent announcement that the company's e-books sales surpassed sales of hard copies for the first time. E-books are definitely experiencing impressive gains, but even with that revelation, e-books only make up a small portion of total book industry sales.

Google Offers Enjoys Early Success
June 27, 2011

Google may have a shot at entering the daily-deals market despite being very, very late to it. After Groupon turned down Googleโ€™s $6 billion offer, the online search giant boldly decided to start from scratch and build its own service. Now, after 22 days in the Portland, Ore. market, it looks like it may have a chance.

iPhone Users Want Apple to Provide Google Wallet
June 23, 2011

Despite the fact that Google was out in front of the pack with a mobile wallet announcement, a study found that not only are iPhone owners more enthusiastic about a mobile wallet, they want Apple to provide it.

Understanding the Mobile Wallet: 3 Things Retailers Must Know
June 22, 2011

Mobile payments are complex, with disparate technologies and business models targeting various markets depending on how mobile users choose to transact โ€” e.g., SMS payments, mobile wallets or app stores, just to name a few. This is particularly relevant for credit card issuers, device manufacturers, mobile operators, internet giants, retailers and even startups, who rely on their direct relationships with millions of consumers.

IRCE: How is Growing in a Volatile Economy
June 17, 2011

Sporting impressive growth numbers โ€” from just over $1.1 million in annual revenues in 2004 to projected revenues of $26.6 million this year โ€” hasn't only weathered the storm of one of the most difficult economic environments in 80-plus years, it's thrived.

How to Find the Best Keywords for Your Brand
June 15, 2011

An important factor to success for any online retailer is which keywords to find and add to your search marketing efforts. Most retailers keep a lid on their most successful keywords, but the process for finding them isn't exactly a secret. Kate Goodman, vice president of e-commerce at women's apparel retailer Talbots, and Courtney Wegner, client services manager at iProspect, a search marketing firm, shared best practices to finding your brand's keywords in a session titled, How I Found My Best Keywords, at the Internet Retailer Conference & Exhibition in San Diego yesterday.