
Last-Minute Tips for Generating Stellar Online Holiday Sales
December 20, 2011

While some have their shopping completed and presents wrapped under the tree, the holiday shopping season isn't over yet. There are a few critical shopping days remaining that savvy online retailers can take advantage of by following these tips:

Gain Additional Sales by Taking a New Approach to Remarketing
December 20, 2011

Shopping cart abandonment is one of the most pervasive concerns among online retailers, and with good reason. According to a study from Listrak, 75 percent of your site visitors will likely leave without making a purchase, and 85 percent of the top 1,000 online retailers are doing nothing to combat this growing issue. If you're investing in channels to drive traffic to your site this holiday season, take advantage of the opportunity to add value to your campaigns and maximize return on investment by using your existing AdWords Conversion Tracking pixel to remarket to past converters.

4 Steps to Ensure Payment Success This Holiday Season
December 14, 2011

Any last-minute efforts to prepare and strategize can make a real impact this holiday season, but perhaps the most important area to focus on is payments. Simply put, a business canโ€™t make money if it canโ€™t accept money. Itโ€™s important that the payment experience be efficient, secure and reliable for both the customer and the merchant. Here are some easy ways to prepare for the holidays:

Google Exploring Delivery Options
December 6, 2011

Google is working on a delivery service to allow consumers to order items from local stores on the web and receive them at their homes or offices within a day. The service is in an early testing phase, according to the NY Times.

Amazon Gets New Competition in Google's Retail Service
December 2, 2011

Google is considering a move into online retail, challenging Amazon by providing low-cost goods. According to The Wall Street Journal, Google is in talks with major retailers and shippers about creating a service to let consumers shop for goods online and receive their orders within a day for a low fee.

Google+ Enhances Brand Pages
December 2, 2011

Google+ will allow multiple admins to manage a brand page โ€œbefore 2012,โ€ according to a Google marketing strategist. Currently, brand pages are tied to one admin account that has total control over the page and profile. This has been a point of frustration for social media managers who have multiple team members updating their company social profiles.

4 Tips for Building a More Profitable Online Business
December 1, 2011

In the highly competitive and rapidly changing world of e-commerce, itโ€™s vital for retailers to stay on top of the latest trends so as not to be outdone by competitors. What follows are four tips for merchants to help them increase sales, enhance customer relationships and, ultimately, build a more profitable online business.