Gilbert Direct Marketing

5 Reasons Why Direct Mail Is Eco-Friendly
January 25, 2010

Find out why I believe direct mail is the eco-friendly marketing channel when compared to email and the internet. Five arguments are presented that may reshape your thinking on the subject.

Digital and Direct Marketing Hiring Plans Show Strong Rebound
January 19, 2010

Digital and direct marketers are planning a major ramp-up in hiring this winter, according to Bernhart Associates' latest Quarterly Digital and Direct Marketing Employment Report. "All of our major indicators are showing significant improvement," said Jerry Bernhart, principal of Bernhart Associates Executive Search. "As far as hiring goes, digital and direct marketers are back on a growth trajectory."

The 'Death' of Direct Mail and Catalogs
January 11, 2010

I'd like to take this opportunity to set the record straight for those who put forth the garbage that direct mail intrudes. Consider the following:

Farewell to 2009
December 21, 2009

Personally, I'm glad that 2009 is coming to a rapid close. As the saying goes, "May you live in interesting times.โ€ This year was certainly interesting. In fact, I can't recall being bored for one minute in 2009.

6 Ways to Improve Your Customer Service
November 24, 2009

To me it's simple: Make it easy to speak with me or my business goes elsewhere. I couldnโ€™t find a satisfactory way to contact GameHouse, and I grew frustrated. But there was a big (really big) โ€œFollow us on Twitterโ€ button, so I clicked it. I sent a tweet to GameHouse โ€” and the rest of its followers โ€” on how I was having problems and was aggravated that its website had no contact info. For good measure, I joined its Facebook fan page and sent the same message.

10 Years and Social Media's Convergence
November 16, 2009

Friends and readers, where's time gone? Back in 1999, I decided to start my own direct marketing consultancy. It wasn't out of any burning desire to be an entrepreneur again (I started a publishing company when I was in my 20s), but more out of self-defense. Living in Florida has its benefits and challenges. The benefits are obvious; the challenges not so much. Florida is the wacky company capital of the world (and that's putting it nicely), so this was a good measure to hedge my bets.