Fluent Commerce

Get More Value from your Order Management RFP
December 9, 2021 at 3:50 pm

Where do you start with an Order Management RFP? Learn how to get more value from your vendor selection process with an alternative approach to Order Management RFPs. Watch the webcast, Order Management RFPs: Best Practices & Sample Scenarios, featuring Tom Enright, VP Analyst at Gartner® and Graham Jackson, CEO at Fluent Commerce, who talk through tactics and scenarios so you can run your best RFP yet.

Accurate Stock Availability is More Important than Ever
December 2, 2021 at 12:44 pm

Struggling with issues around stock availability? Challenges with drop ship order management? Accurate stock availability is more important than ever, especially with the increased use of drop ship vendors. Guest speaker, Forrester senior analyst Emily Pfeiffer, and Fluent Commerce’s CEO discuss the top challenges—and strategies—around stock availability, drop ship order management and why accurate stock availability before the buy button is so important. Watch on-demand now.

Adapt to Your Clients’ Needs at Record Speed
November 4, 2021 at 3:33 pm

JD Sports, one of the largest omnichannel sports-retailers, quickly changed their fulfillment strategy during the pandemic to meet their customers’ needs. Now, together with Fluent Order Management, JD Sports can rollout new brands or regions in only 5 weeks and rollout Ship from Store in 2 weeks. In this case study, learn what steps JD Sports took to successfully adapt at record speed.

Top Holiday Shopper Trends 2021: Why This Year is Going to be Different
October 21, 2021 at 5:51 pm

The holiday season will be different again this year—make sure your business is ready. Fluent Commerce surveyed consumers in the U.S. and U. K. about their holiday shopping plans and preferences. This eBook shares findings such as how consumers plan to spend more, start shopping earlier and their preferred delivery methods. Find out what else is trending so you are ready for the months ahead.

Top Holiday Shopper Trends 2021: Why This Year is Going to be Different
October 21, 2021 at 5:49 pm

The holiday season will be different again this year—make sure your business is ready. Fluent Commerce surveyed consumers in the U.S. and U. K. about their holiday shopping plans and preferences. This eBook shares findings such as how consumers plan to spend more, start shopping earlier and their preferred delivery methods. Find out what else is trending so you are ready for the months ahead.

7 Critical Order Management Features
August 27, 2021 at 9:54 am

Modern consumers demand seamless shopping experiences, fast and accurate delivery, and easy returns. This means online omnichannel merchants need a flexible and powerful Order Management System. Download this free eBook today to learn the 7 critical features you should expect from a modern Order Management System.

7 Critical Order Management Features
August 27, 2021 at 9:51 am

Modern consumers demand seamless shopping experiences, fast and accurate delivery, and easy returns. This means online omnichannel merchants need a flexible and powerful Order Management System. Download this free eBook today to learn the 7 critical features you should expect from a modern Order Management System.

How Ship From Store Broke CX In 2020 – And How to Fix It
February 17, 2021 at 10:02 am

To meet demand and move stock out of stores, many retailers rolled out Ship from Store rapidly last year. But if there is one common theme across all the retailers we talked to recently: In 2021 they want to do it better. This eBook outlines four Ship from Store challenges experienced by retailers, and how those harmed the Customer Experience. It explores the causes, and some creative ways to address them.