ChannelAdvisor Corp.

In a continuing effort to grow product assortment online, Wal-Mart announced last week that it has partnered with ChannelAdvisor to integrate its third-party marketplace with the cloud-based e-commerce solutions provider. The news was announced at the ChannelAdvisor Catalyst Americas conference in Las Vegas. The partnership will enable Wal-Mart to increase the number of retailers and…
It's well documented how consumers are increasingly turning to their phones as a means to shop. Consider that 56 percent of all retail traffic is coming from mobile devices, yet those shoppers are one-third less likely to make a purchase than their counterparts on desktops and laptops. Why? Jason Goldberg, senior vice president of commerce and…
In a strategy shift for Newegg, a B-to-C and B-to-B online retailer of computer hardware and software, the company will be making its Marketplace site its primary focus. Launched in 2011, Newegg Marketplace now is being counted to be the growth engine for Newegg. Why the shift for Newegg from being primarily a first-party seller…
Hear a study in short-term versus long-term marketplaces strategies and how one company has made it a driving force for their sales.
You've probably heard that it's quite hard to get back on Amazon.com if you've been kicked off. It's true. Amazon's requirements are strict for retailers. Are you willing to risk your sales by not knowing them? As you navigate Amazon, pay close attention to the 13 faux pas outlined in ChannelAdvisor’s whitepaper. Download today!
Even the most experienced Amazon.com sellers have questions about this always-changing, always-growing online marketplace. We hear a lot of them in our line of work. Recently, ChannelAdvisor spent some time going through hundreds of questions, sorting them into common themes and asking Amazon experts to answer them in this new e-book.
When it comes to selling on online marketplaces, there are several strategies that you should stop overthinking and just go ahead and put in place. Then, there are other strategies that deserve careful consideration. So which are which? During this webinar, join Luke Evans, manager, marketplaces services at ChannelAdvisor, for a study in short-term versus long-term marketplaces strategies. You'll also hear from Mackenzie Laney, marketplaces manager at Build.com, who will share how the company has made marketplaces a driving force for their sales. She'll also share some of the successes and challenges they experienced along the way.
Isn't it frustrating when a shopper comes so close to purchasing but doesn't complete the process? Retargeting ads may be your solution for reconnecting with shoppers who have viewed your product pages — or even added items to their carts. ChannelAdvisor's guide explains what retargeting is, how it can combat shopping cart abandonment and types of retargeting.
It's a bird, it's a plane … it's Jet.com. Flying high and ready to disrupt the e-commerce world, Jet is a revolutionary marketplace that's taking a new approach to online retailing by using a membership-based business model (think an online Costco or Sam's Club). If you're an online retailer, you might want to take notice.
With the help of an easy-to-navigate mobile site with ample and high-quality images, you'll be on your way to improving mobile conversions. The next steps are to offer strategic mobile-only deals and to implement a pricing strategy that keeps up with the competition. These steps will help retailers of all sizes get the most out of m-commerce and stay up to speed with the rapidly changing retail industry.