Can a Big Brand Make it on eBay?
September 1, 2010

If you're a large retailer that has either yet to consider eBay or historically avoided it due to its challenges, think again. With eBay's shift toward fixed-price listings โ€” helping it to bring more well-known brands to the site โ€” it's time to re-evaluate and take advantage of the opportunities to further diversify your business, get your products in front of eBay's 90 million shoppers and increase revenue.

Testing, Testing: 5 Web Attributes to Test This Season
September 1, 2010

Sure, you're entrenched in the holiday season by now, making sure your website is up to date with the most current inventory and that every one of your customers is happy and well served. But that doesn't mean it's time to rest on your laurels. In fact, the holiday season is a great time to test new web attributes and programs that may improve your shoppers' experiences, and ultimately bring you more sales.

Tuesday the Busiest Day for Email Delivery
September 1, 2010

Tuesday is the busiest delivery day for email, at least according to the the recently published DirectMarketingIQ report titled "All About Email Creative."

Going Global
September 1, 2010

While store-based international expansion has been the privilege of the biggest multichannel brands, online retailers can expand another way: through international e-commerce.

Do You Feel Stupid That You Donโ€™t Tweet?
September 1, 2010

if you're not tweeting, blogging or streaming, don't feel stupid. You probably just have bottom-line accountability and don't want to waste money. Come to think of it, you're actually sounding pretty smart.โ€จ But, you're probably receiving pressure to jump on the social media bandwagon. It's just that you're justifiably concerned that it may not yield measureable benefits. Like all direct marketing, approaching social media efforts from a strategic perspective will improve โ€จyour chances.

The Second Decade of E-Commerce: 5 Trends to Watch For
August 3, 2010

As we dive into the second decade of e-commerce as a mass market retailing vehicle, it's important that retailers identify some of the solutions which could have as big of an impact on this second decade as live chat and free shipping had on the last.

Senate Tackles Online Privacy With New Legislation
July 28, 2010

Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.), chairman of the Communications Subcommittee, said Tuesday that he will introduce an online privacy bill that will create standards for how consumer data is collected and used for marketing.

Bilski v. Kappos: The Blockbuster That Was a Bust
July 27, 2010

For patent lawyers, Bilski v. Kappos was the most eagerly anticipated Supreme Court decision in years โ€” a decision on the patentability of business methods, the primary type of patent asserted against direct marketers that operate eโ€“commerce websites. Unfortunately, when the Supreme Court finally issued its decision at the end of June, Bilski turned out to be this yearโ€™s Waterworld.

Fashion Sites Target Male Shoppers With Latest Campaigns
July 23, 2010

Online fashion shopping sites like Gilt Groupe and Rue La La have been a hit with women since launching over the last three years. A new push to get men to shop in these web boutiques is proving more difficult.