Best Practices for Selling on Amazon
May 1, 2011

The key to success on Amazon is understanding and abiding by best practices to make sure your product listings aren't only found by shoppers, but also appeal to shoppers. Most importantly, learn how to optimize search terms, product descriptions, details, images and more to position your products to sell on Amazon.

Hawaii Deciding How to Tax Online Shopping
April 28, 2011

Hawaii lawmakers are looking for creative ways to tax online shopping, either by requiring internet sellers to hand over customer information to the government or by enrolling in a multistate program in which websites voluntarily collect taxes.

Wal-Mart Testing Online Grocery Service in California
April 26, 2011

Wal-Mart has begun testing an online grocery delivery service in San Jose, Calif., a company spokesman said. The world's biggest retailer had been rumored to be considering dipping its toe into online grocery delivery for the past few years.

5 Tips to Recapture Cart Abandonment
April 20, 2011

Cart abandonment is a sensitive topic for almost every online retailer. Many companies and universities are conducting research on the data behind abandonment to find what ultimately causes consumers to place an item in their cart and then leave a retailerโ€™s website before executing a purchase. Forrester Research finds that roughly 38 percent of all shopping carts are abandoned, while other data sources put that figure as high as 70 percent.

Office Depot Overhauls Format to Strengthen Sales
April 15, 2011

Office Depot admits it hasn't been taking care of business when it comes to its retail store customers. The big-box retail concept offering thousands of office supply products was no longer working. "Our model was broken," said Kevin Peters, head of the retail division for Boca Raton, Fla.-based Office Depot.

Lobbyists in Indiana the Latest to Push for E-Commerce Tax
April 13, 2011

Retail industry lobbyists in Indiana are trying to get state lawmakers to pass an online sales tax provision that they claim would result in hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue. The Indiana Retail Council and the Alliance for Main Street Fairness held a press conference in the Indiana Statehouse to ask for legislatorsโ€™ support in requiring sites such as to pay sales tax.