Web Optimization

40 Tips for E-Commerce SEO, Part 2: Optimizing On-Site Content and Building Your Site’s Authority
June 7, 2019 at 3:31 pm

In part one of this two-part series, I covered how e-commerce businesses can implement specific tactics for technical search engine optimization as well as for understanding their audiences, competitors, and optimal keyword targets — and why those factor into e-commerce SEO success. Next, you’ll want to look at optimizing each page on your e-commerce site, as…

Common E-Commerce Infrastructure Challenges and How to Address Them
March 21, 2019 at 11:19 am

According to Webscale’s recent State of E-Commerce Infrastructure report, 6.4 percent of online merchants cited downtime as their biggest challenge during the e-commerce industry’s lucrative fourth quarter in 2018. Furthermore, 11.9 percent of merchants reported serious site slowdown issues, and 21 percent admitted to experiencing cyber attacks. Lastly, 18.35 percent of merchants grappled with all…

Beware of Visual Bugs Compromising User Experience
March 12, 2019 at 10:58 am

If you’re testing your website to make sure it works properly for visitors, you’re off to a good start. However, many companies overlook the importance of visual testing — i.e., evaluating layout, images, text, design, and other visual components. As the number of browsers, devices, operating systems and screen sizes explode, teams need to be…

Applying the Netflix Customer Experience to Retail
March 12, 2019 at 10:07 am

When historians look to this century, there will be quite a few companies that stand out. Tesla is one, as are Uber and Airbnb. However, the three consumer platforms that will truly be seen as forward thinking and disrupting “business as usual” are Spotify, Netflix and Instagram. All three of these platforms have dramatically changed…