User Experience CEO: We May Have the Lowest Prices, But Many Shoppers Can’t Figure That Out
September 1, 2015 at 10:23 am may have the lowest prices on the web, but a lot of people who visit the site still don’t realize it. That's something CEO Marc Lore acknowledged when asked about confusion among people who hear about’s low prices but don’t see them displayed clearly when they visit a product page. â€œBelieve me, we have…

How to Use Competitive Benchmarking to Your Advantage
July 6, 2015 at 1:45 pm

Competition is one of the biggest motivators for online retailers, especially as e-commerce sales keep climbing. Regardless of whether another company offers the exact same products you do, there are hundreds of thousands of other companies competing for your target market’s attention and money as well as training your customers on what to expect. That’s…

Patience is an Absent Virtue During Peak Shopping Events
June 16, 2015 at 2:41 pm

Patience is a virtue, but unfortunately it’s not one that that e-tailers can count on from their customers, especially when it comes to peak digital shopping events like Mother’s Day. Consumer impatience and demand for consistently high performance and speed is a well-documented fact in today’s digital economy. The so called "Google effect" has drained…

A Rookie’s Guide to A/B Testing for M-Commerce
June 10, 2015 at 4:39 pm

Mobile commerce (m-commerce) has grown 42 percent annually for the past four years. Consumers are becoming comfortable transacting on their phones, and more retailers are investing in mobile to woo these small-screen shoppers. As the market grows, however, so too does the competition for thumb space and user retention. To compete, brands need to win…