User Experience

Comparing the BTS Shopping Experiences of 5 Top Retailers
September 29, 2016 at 9:54 am

Back-to-school (BTS) is one of the most important shopping seasons of the year. According to the National Retail Federation, total spending for both K-12 and college supplies is expected to reach $75.8 billion this year. The weeks before the beginning of the school season are a busy time for shoppers and retailers. While parents prioritizeโ€ฆ

What Parents Expect From Your E-Commerce Site
September 14, 2016 at 11:08 pm

If youโ€™re a parent, youโ€™re probably thinking ahead to the holiday shopping season. If youโ€™re an online retailer, this is a big season for your business. As you prepare to manage the hordes of parents who will descend on your site, here are some stats to keep in mind about todayโ€™s parents, their spending habits, and whatโ€ฆ

How Room & Board is Using Customer Reviews to Drive Sales
September 8, 2016 at 10:19 am

Room & Board is a Minneapolis-based retailer offering modern, American-made home furniture and accessories. Founded in 1980, the family-owned, privately held company has 14 stores and 900 employees. About 40 percent of Room & Board's transactions occur online. In this interview with Kimberly Ruthenbeck, director of web customer experience at Room & Board, we discussโ€ฆ

Amazon Debuts 'Amazon Vehicles'
August 25, 2016 at 11:00 am is launching a new feature called Amazon Vehicles today. This is a destination on the website that will house car specifications and reviews to help shoppers research, but Amazon won't be selling cars. Amazon also wonโ€™t link to special deals or offers from dealerships. The online retailer did try to sell cars once before โ€” in 2000,โ€ฆ

The New Tools of the Customer Loyalty Trade
August 17, 2016 at 10:34 am

In an age of instant access, customer loyalty is a rare commodity. The idea of consumers purchasing the same brand that their parents or grandparents did seems quaint in comparison to the seemingly infinite options presented to them today. So, how can retail marketers not only gain new customers, but maintain their loyalty? It comesโ€ฆ

Slow is the New Down
August 10, 2016 at 11:29 am

Every e-tailer fears its website going down, however, a website thatโ€™s been reduced to a snailโ€™s pace because of a high volume of traffic can almost be more damaging. Todayโ€™s always-on consumers expect lightning-fast connections and load times, as if everyone can deliver the same user experience as Netflix. In fact, a study from Kissmetricsโ€ฆ

Powering Emotion in the Retail Experience
July 26, 2016 at 11:02 am

โ€œI LOVE this shop,โ€ my wife said when she came across a new dress shop in our local town. Love is a strong word, but that's exactly what retailers are trying to inspire in customers when they endeavor to build an emotional connection with them. The Harvard Business Review says that customers are emotionally connectedโ€ฆ

Nordstrom Addresses Recent Downturn
July 25, 2016 at 1:20 pm

In mid-August of last year, warning signs at the Seattle headquarters of Nordstrom Inc. first became apparent. Up to that point, the upscale apparel retailer, with $14 billion in annual sales, had enjoyed several years of steady sales growth and expansion. Its stock had climbed to a record high of about $80 a share. โ€œThen, all ofโ€ฆ