User Experience

Why the Human Touch is Key to Richer Shopper Experiences
March 22, 2018 at 11:02 am

The world of social media advertising is going through a seismic shift. Not only are brick-and-mortar businesses fighting for survival, many e-commerce brands are struggling to find and maintain their target social media audiences. In a world that includes thousands of competitors, a wide range of social channels and millions of demanding buyers, retailers must…

The Difference Between Buying and Shopping, and Why it Matters for Retailers
March 14, 2018 at 11:23 am

The words are often used interchangeably, but there’s a huge difference between "buying" and "shopping." Buying is straightforward. It's when your bathroom light blows and you need to purchase a 40-watt bulb as quickly as possible. Buying is the process of locating and purchasing a product you know you want — it's intent-driven purchasing. Shopping,…

How to Propel the Future of Retail to a Place Where Everyone Wins
March 12, 2018 at 10:19 am

As our world becomes increasingly connected, consumers' digital expectations are rising. Visa’s Paul Walsh discusses a recent report that uncovers current issues with antiquated means of collecting customer insights, fragmented digital to physical experiences, and provides recommendations on key means to simplify and improve the customer journey through data and collaboration. Learn how companies can partner with third parties to leverage data and APIs to co-create the customer experiences of tomorrow.

Keeping Customers Loyal: Creating Experiences Powered by Data
March 7, 2018 at 10:32 am

In 2017, many struggling retailers closed their doors. In fact, more than 6,800 stores closed from the impact of online retailing or, in some cases, lack of interest in their businesses. Consumers are no longer willing to go into a store and meander through the aisles to make a purchase, unless it’s for a bargain (think…

When Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness, But On-Demand Services Can
February 28, 2018 at 12:28 pm

An experiment published by Time analyzed the satisfaction level of 60 adult participants who were asked by researchers to spend $40.00 on a time-saving service and a material item separately. This report discovered those who invested in time-saving, on-demand services were happier and more satisfied with their purchase. The concept is simple: we all have…

Building Digitally Native Vertical Brands by Redefining Value
February 16, 2018 at 10:11 am

Back in the 1970s, opening holiday gifts was an emotional minefield. Would this toy work? Chances were high that at least some would be duds. Back then, lots of cheap toys (and other goods) came from faraway lands still figuring out how to consistently make good things cheaply and in large numbers. As one of…

‘Mystery Shopping’ Won’t Work if You Can’t Look at the Big Picture
February 16, 2018 at 9:15 am

Some brands are learning the hard way that no matter how much they invest in a better customer experience (CX), a single mishap can have disastrous consequences. With customers more empowered than ever to share their feelings on social media, one negative experience can spark the outrage of thousands online. Just ask any of the…

Looking to the Future of the E-Commerce Experience
February 7, 2018 at 5:47 pm

The way we shop and sell goods has significantly changed over the past several years. Everything has become more digital, and last year’s Black Friday sales made that clear. And while more consumers are embracing online shopping, many still enjoy the experience of going to traditional brick-and-mortar stores to purchase goods. In physical shops, we…

Personalized Product Recommendations Chip Away at the Amazon Monopoly
February 2, 2018 at 8:50 am accomplished more in 2017 than most businesses hope to achieve in their existence, from winning Oscars to buying Whole Foods — and what a year it was. It seems as though Amazon is putting its foot in every open door, from healthcare to grocery to streaming services. The retail giant's vast resources, trusted name…