
Godiva Sweetens the Customer Experience With Technology
April 16, 2018 at 10:49 am

In episode 140 of Total Retail Talks, Anthoula Madden, chief digital officer of pladis Global, parent company of Godiva, discusses how the gourmet chocolate brand is using technology to help it become more customer-centric, particularly in regards to personalizing marketing campaigns. Madden also shares her advice for other retailers working to become truly customer-centric organizations.

How Brands Can Tap Into Blockchain to Identify โ€˜Power Usersโ€™ on Social Media
April 13, 2018 at 10:07 am

As you may have noticed, the word blockchain is everywhere. Across multiple industries, it has become a buzzword as companies look to integrate blockchain technology โ€” which creates a digital ledger of transactions โ€” into their offerings. While many companies want to take advantage of the buzz and jump to announce that they're using blockchain,โ€ฆ

Amazon Customers Leading the Way in Voice-Enabled Shopping, Study Shows
April 12, 2018 at 10:22 am

Remember when radio ads were a big deal? Retailers, get ready to go back in time. Voice-enabled shopping is a growing trend, driven by's Alexa and competing products by Google and Apple. This isnโ€™t just a fad. Voice-enabled smart speakers could infiltrate over half of U.S. households by 2022, according to a recent report, andโ€ฆ

Retailers Going Digital: Take a Fresh Look at Monetization Systems
April 11, 2018 at 12:12 pm

Not long ago, throngs of movie-watchers gladly bypassed renting videos from brick-and-mortar retailers in favor of subscription services that mailed a certain number of DVDs to their doorsteps every month. It was arguably the beginning of a massive trend toward subscription-based commerce in the entertainment industry. How times have changed. In just a few shortโ€ฆ

Nordstrom's New Men's Store to Operate 24 Hours a Day
April 10, 2018 at 1:13 pm

Nordstrom is opening a menโ€™s store in New York City this week that will operate 24 hours a day. The retailer is offering a variety of services at the store, including overnight in-store pickup, a self-service return kiosk, shoe shining, and โ€œsneaker cleanings.โ€ The new service-oriented store will cater to the city that never sleeps,โ€ฆ

Data Platform Gives Build-A-Bear Workshop Better Insights Into Business Metrics
April 9, 2018 at 12:29 pm

In episode 139 of Total Retail Talks, recorded earlier this year at the National Retail Federation's Big Show in New York City, Mike Early, senior managing director, head of information technology, Build-A-Bear Workshop, talks about the company's shift to Microsoft's Dynamics 365 ERP platform and the impact it has had. Early addresses how the singleโ€ฆ

Key Retailer Considerations for Mobile and Digital Wallet Implementation, Strategy
April 9, 2018 at 10:51 am

Innovations in mobile and digital wallets over recent years have resulted in a proliferation of wallet models and solutions, all intended to improve customer convenience, leverage data, lessen friction or lower the cost of payments. The potential for increased growth of digital commerce is evidenced by the number of brick-and-mortar retailers that have introduced mobileโ€ฆ

How Retailers are Turning to Digital Transformation Strategies to Revitalize the In-Store Experience
April 9, 2018 at 10:13 am

The retail industry has a major impact on the U.S. economy. According to the National Retail Federation (NRF), one in four American jobs are supported by the retail industry. Despite the retail industryโ€™s prominent position in the economy, traditional brick-and-mortal retailers are under a pressure unlike any other industry to digitally transform their businesses. Withโ€ฆ

Retail Training in Virtual Reality: The New Secret Weapon to Scale
April 5, 2018 at 3:40 pm

On a busy retail floor during peak sales season, itโ€™s difficult (if not impossible!) to pull a veteran employee away from critical duties in order to train a new recruit. Thankfully, human resources has a new technology at their disposal to scale trainers: virtual reality (VR). Not only is VR effective in scaling training programs,โ€ฆ

The Case for Frictionless Commerce as the Future for Most Retailers
April 5, 2018 at 2:23 pm

A recent article on Total Retail by Mark Ryski titled Why Amazon Go is a โ€˜No-Goโ€™ for Most Retailers caught my attention. Ryskiโ€™s article postulated that grab-and-go technologies would be too expensive and complex to implement for most retailers, and used Whole Foodsโ€™ footprint (average of 39,000 square feet) as an example. The issue Iโ€ฆ