
3 Steps Retailers Can Take to Optimize Voice Search Results
May 14, 2019 at 10:40 am

In today’s world, consumers are using voice technology more and more to make purchases and decide which businesses get their consideration. When it comes to local “near me” searches, voice is three times more likely to be used than text. Mobile users are relying on voice search to supply them with on-the-go information, and its…

4 Technologies Helping Retailers Put the Customer First  
May 13, 2019 at 10:48 am

Forward-thinking retailers are constantly being challenged and enhanced by technology. As online and mobile shopping continues to disrupt the “traditional” retail experience, retailers are relying on new technologies to better delight customers, attract them back into stores, and ultimately succeed in the multichannel environment. So, the real question is which technologies help retailers attract and…

Survey: Automation is the Key to Retailers’ Success
May 9, 2019 at 11:00 am

The retail industry is at a critical inflection point. The biggest brick-and-mortar stores are facing significant external pressures, and today’s customers have come to expect a seamless omnichannel shopping experience, every time. To better understand how retailers are faring in this uncharted retail era, Bossa Nova partnered with Wakefield Research to survey corporate retail professionals…

Using AI to Turn One-Time Customers Into Loyal Brand Ambassadors
May 8, 2019 at 9:23 am

One of the biggest challenges for retailers is not acquiring customers, but keeping them. Loyal brand ambassadors are the backbone of growth. However, building long-term interest in a brand is no easy feat. Customers want personalized experiences and services that make them feel that they are the most important customer. A 2018 Bond Brand Loyalty…

On the Same Page: Blockchain, Communication and E-Commerce
May 2, 2019 at 11:01 am

Communication. Coordination. User experience. These aren't typically the traits that come to mind when discussing blockchain. Instead, many associate the technology with its ability to increase transparency. However, when we think past transparency, the blockchain conversation comes into full bloom. Direct-to-consumer e-commerce is endlessly complex. The flows of information are endless, channels seem to multiply…

Carhartt is Using AI to Make Smarter Merchandising, Marketing Decisions
April 25, 2019 at 2:49 pm

Artificial intelligence (AI) was chosen as the emerging technology most likely to have the biggest impact on the retail industry in 2019, according to Total Retail's 2018-2019 Retail Technology Report. Retailers and brands are investigating ways to leverage the power of AI across their organizations, from marketing to logistics to customer service, and more. Workwear…

What it Will Take for Retailers to Succeed With Voice Commerce
April 24, 2019 at 11:32 am

Recent market research predicts that voice shopping will explode to over $40 billion by 2022, up from $2 billion today. As popularity in voice assistants like Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa grows rapidly, retailers are jumping at the opportunity to create unique and dynamic shopping experiences by leveraging the new technology. However, in an era…

Announcing Total Retail’s 2019 Top 100 Omnichannel Retailers Report
April 24, 2019 at 11:04 am

Total Retail is excited to present to you its third annual Top 100 Omnichannel Retailers report. The report, produced in conjunction with Radial, an omnichannel commerce technology and operations provider, features a ranking of 100 publicly traded retailers based on their omnichannel retail programs offered as well as the execution of said programs. Why focus on omnichannel retail? The…

Why Retailers Should Have No Fear When Implementing New Payment Technology
April 22, 2019 at 10:47 am

When shoppers encounter a retailer that doesn’t accept their preferred payment method, 55 percent will spend less or go elsewhere according to a recent study by Adyen. Yet, payment preferences can involve an array of layered factors. Payment options should go beyond offering credit card or cash to allow shoppers to finance purchases, especially higher-priced…

How to Ensure an Earn vs. a Return
April 22, 2019 at 10:20 am

Between rapid technology evolution’s effect on sales and smaller businesses stuck hiding behind the shadows of e-commerce giants, retailers are grappling with a great deal of uncertainty. Even in the best of retail sales and revenue growth, product returns are expected to have accounted for 30 percent of the 2018 retail economy — an estimated $37 billion. So,…