
Gain Additional Sales by Taking a New Approach to Remarketing
December 20, 2011

Shopping cart abandonment is one of the most pervasive concerns among online retailers, and with good reason. According to a study from Listrak, 75 percent of your site visitors will likely leave without making a purchase, and 85 percent of the top 1,000 online retailers are doing nothing to combat this growing issue. If you're investing in channels to drive traffic to your site this holiday season, take advantage of the opportunity to add value to your campaigns and maximize return on investment by using your existing AdWords Conversion Tracking pixel to remarket to past converters.

5 Steps to Protect Your Business Against Retail Theft
December 13, 2011

Retail theft (i.e., shoplifting and dishonest employees) continues to be a much greater problem than many people realize. These losses are responsible for higher prices paid by consumers and even store and company closures due to the profit drain. To prevent your business from becoming part of these statistics, there are steps you can take to limit retail theft losses:

SKLZ Uses Online Video to Boost Site Traffic and Sales
November 14, 2011

The vision for the SKLZ website, which receives more than 100,000 visitors a month, is to inspire athletes to develop their skills. To meet that vision, the retailer made a commitment to add videos to its site and drastically expand its library of training-related video content. SKLZ believed that if athletes could watch instructional videos that incorporate its products, then they'd be more likely to see SKLZ as a legitimate source for training.

In Japan, RFID Clothing Hangers Sell Harder Than Sales Clerks
October 18, 2011

It's easy to avoid pushy sales clerks when shopping for new threads. A department store in Japan now uses inescapable RFID-equipped clothing hangers to try to sell you other products and accessories when you take a garment off a rack.

Sears and Skype Team Up โ€จin the Dressing Room
October 1, 2011

The time has come: my college roommate is getting married. Iโ€™m extremely excited and happy for her and I have the honor of being a bridesmaid. The problem is I live in Philadelphia and she lives in Syracuse, N.Y. โ€” a little over 250 miles away. That doesn't exactly lend itself to jumping in the car on a Saturday for a quick dress fitting. If only her selected bridesmaid dress was from Sears and we both lived in Canada ...

Lowe's Deploying iPhone POS Systems in Retail Overhaul
September 9, 2011

Lowe's plans to outfit employees with 42,000 iPhone 4s next month, with custom apps that will make use of the device as a point-of-sale system as part of a technology-heavy retail overhaul. The retailer will introduce a new MyLowes online tool and implement the iPhones in an effort to catch rival Home Depot, which invested more than $60 million on handheld Motorola POS system last year.

4 Cool Retail Technologies โ€จfor the Hot Summer Months
August 1, 2011

Not sure where you are right now, but unless it's Alaska or Antartica, you're probably somewhere where the air is hot and humid. (I know I am, as I write this column from my home office in Brooklyn, N.Y. in early July.) That's why I thought I'd take a look at some cool (get it, cool) retail technology trends I've heard about recently.

Podcast: How HTML5 Will Impact Your E-Commerce Site
July 22, 2011

Listen in as David Wertheimer, CEO of Canopy, a business unit of web design and engineering firm Alexander Interactive that focuses on the online retail space, discusses the new programming language HTML5 and what it means for your business.

Can Retail Sales and Customer Service Be Robotically Programmed?
July 18, 2011

The retail industry is no stranger to technology. It's predicted that the biggest focus and greatest competitive advantage for U.S. retailers in 2011 will be related to retail technology. But technology that assists the sales process and robots that are an integral part of the retail experience are two different things.