
An Inside Look at Retailers' Tech Buying Processes
August 16, 2023 at 3:03 pm

In order to keep pace in a fast-moving, hypercompetitive industry, retailers are continually evaluating, testing, buying and implementing new technology systems and solutions. But with so many solutions and tech providers in the market, having a process in place for vetting and purchasing technology is critical for retailers to maintain efficiency and optimize return onโ€ฆ

Survey Reveals Retailers' Top Tech-Related Challenges
August 9, 2023 at 6:36 pm

As part of Total Retail's recently released 2023 Retail Technology Report: An Analysis of Trends, Buying Behaviors, and Future Opportunities, survey respondents were asked to identify the top challenges when implementing a new technology into their businesses. While investing in technology and innovation is critical for retailers and brands to remain competitive, such initiatives do not comeโ€ฆ

How Physical Retailers Can Stay Ahead of the AI Curve
August 3, 2023 at 3:09 pm

Any retail expert worth their salt knows that personalization is the one true key to profitability. This is only becoming more important as the market grows saturated and customer expectations keep getting more demanding. But how will artificial intelligence technology change the ever-evolving retail landscape? Personalization is all about providing engaging customer experiences, which isโ€ฆ

Total Retail Releases its Annual Retail Technology Report
August 2, 2023 at 7:11 pm

We're excited to announce the release of the 2023 Retail Technology Report: An Analysis of Trends, Buying Behaviors, and Future Opportunities. This annual report serves as a valuable research tool for retailers and brands to help them better understand the technology landscape within the industry, and then apply those learnings within their own organizations. Theโ€ฆ

AI in Retail: Moving Beyond Amazing Toys to Game-Changing Solutions
August 2, 2023 at 5:26 pm

In today's artificial intelligence-driven era, AI has become the go-to buzzword across industries. Retail is no exception, with a growing list of AI-based applications promising to revolutionize the way retailers operate. ShopMate, for example, uses AI to generate customizable shopping suggestions for e-commerce, personalizing the shopping experience for each customer., an AI-powered platform, enablesโ€ฆ

Why Unified Commerce Matters as Customers Seek a Seamless Retail Experience
August 1, 2023 at 12:31 pm

The term โ€œomnichannelโ€ became more than a buzzword in the retail space when the pandemic forced countless store owners to enable new avenues for customer interaction as quickly as possible. At first, the term simply entailed a retailer's ability to support a variety of purchasing channels, whether they be online, on social media, or inโ€ฆ

AI is Bringing Conversation Back to Commerce
July 31, 2023 at 2:45 pm

Even in its earliest form, commerce has always been centered around conversation. The evolution to e-commerce seemed to de-center that conversational element, though. Without a person to speak with, conversation was relegated to a single place within the online shopping experience: the search bar. As the only direct insight into what consumers really want, theโ€ฆ

Green IT: Why the Next Era of Enterprise Technology is Sustainable
July 27, 2023 at 10:28 am

Just a few decades ago, sustainability wasn't a business priority. Today, most companies understand the importance of sustainability, both from a business and social responsibility perspective. So, whatโ€™s changed? Today, companies are relying on technology to power their workforceโ€™s efficiency and productivity more than ever. Carbon footprints have greatly increased in the process. According to researchers,โ€ฆ