
The Real Cost of Technological Inaction
August 31, 2023 at 10:09 am

Executives donโ€™t get where they are by jumping on every passing trend. True business leaders are the people who can assess all of the options in front of them and make choices that enable their companies to stay current and continue growing. Strategic timing is key to this process, and sometimes the right choice forโ€ฆ

Bonus Episode: Key Learnings From the 2023 Retail Technology Report
August 30, 2023 at 6:42 pm

In this bonus episode of Total Retail Talks, Total Retail's Digital Content Director Kristina Stidham and Editor-in-Chief Joe Keenan discuss the recently released 2023 Retail Technology Report. This annual report, which was produced in conjunction with retail point-of-sale and omnichannel platform KWI, features survey data from Total Retailโ€™s audience of technology decision makers about their companiesโ€™ currentโ€ฆ

Revolutionizing E-Commerce With AI: Leveraging Emerging Technologies for Market Dominance
August 29, 2023 at 7:52 pm

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming various industries, and e-commerce is no exception. The advent of AI technologies is leading to a seismic shift in the way e-commerce businesses operate and engage with their customers. Early adopters stand to gain a significant competitive advantage, while those that lag behind risk losing market share. This articleโ€ฆ

Walmart, Wing Team Up to Provide Drone Delivery
August 28, 2023 at 4:32 pm

Walmart announced last week that it's teaming up with Wing, an on-demand drone delivery provider powered by Googleโ€™s parent company, Alphabet, to offer drone delivery from two stores in the Dallas metro area in the coming months. The move will enable the retail giant to deliver products to an additional 60,000 homes in under 30โ€ฆ

Is Automation the Answer to Solving Labor Shortages?
August 28, 2023 at 12:41 pm

With labor shortages a very real problem, retailers are prioritizing making processes as efficient as possible to keep the customer experience streamlined. In a recent CX report, PwC surveyed 15,000 consumers and found that one in three would stop buying from a retailer after only one bad experience. Retailers canโ€™t afford to ignore expectations inโ€ฆ

How Retailers Can Use Omnichannel Tech for Better CX
August 23, 2023 at 3:06 pm

In this episode of Total Retail Tech Insights, Editor-in-Chief Joe Keenan interviews Josh Goodelman, chief revenue and operating officer at KWI, a retail point-of-sale and unified commerce platform. Listen in as Goodelman discusses his current role and professional background (1:00), KWI's offerings for retail clients (2:00), and highlights from Total Retail's 2023 Retail Technology Report, recently produced inโ€ฆ

Technology That Helps Retailers Maintain Customer Trust During the Back-to-School Shopping Rush
August 23, 2023 at 2:57 pm

Parents sending their kids back to school are in no mood for shopping shenanigans this year. Shoppers who might tolerate long lines, high prices, and crowded parking lots have no patience for retailers that advertise products they then donโ€™t have in stock. That's why many retailers use modern inventory data management tools to help ensureโ€ฆ

The Ways AI Will Transform Your Retail Workforce
August 21, 2023 at 12:14 pm

Between 2023 and 2028, artificial intelligence in retail markets is expected to grow from $7.3 billion to upwards of $29.45 billion โ€” more than a 400 percent increase. But when most of us imagine how those innovations and implementations will transform the retail world, we tend to only focus on how those technologies benefit consumers. However, theโ€ฆ