
Tennis Express Leverages Integrated Software Solution to Grow Sales
April 1, 2014

With the retail environment shifting to one where consumers expect a seamless, hassle-free shopping experience every time they interact with a brand — no matter the channel — Tennis Express realized it needed to upgrade its software systems to meet this need. The retailer was hamstrung by siloed systems for critical business processes (e.g., POS, ERP, purchasing, receiving, inventory, web, mobile), hindering its ability to grow. For example, Tennis Express was unable to get a real-time view of inventory availability across channels, leading to frustrated consumers trying to buy out-of-stock items on the retailer's website.

eBay Buys PhiSix to Build Virtual Fitting Rooms
February 20, 2014

Imagine letting your customers see how your clothing items fit before they make a purchase, possibly boosting conversion rates while lowering returns due to poor fit. That's the idea behind PhiSix, a computer graphics company just acquired by eBay. The technology behind eBay's latest acquisition creates 3-D models of clothing from photos and "simulates the behavior of the garments." It can be used online and offline to let shoppers to see how clothes fit, look and move in different environments. The technology is also able to recommend a size for the user's body based on basic measurement inputs. 

7 Ways Retailers Are Embracing Tech
February 6, 2014

With Forrester predicting online shopping will reach $370 billion by 2017, retailers are fighting to get consumers to visit stores — and provide a quality experience when they get there. The trick is matching the convenience, speed and depth of information in-store that the online world easily provides. Also taking priority: time-saving techniques like virtual try-on; faster, more secure checkout; and protecting customers’ information. Consumers "expect the in-store experience to match the convenience of online," said Chris Donnelly, global managing director of Accenture Retail. Evidence the growth of mobile payments, which Accenture said will quadruple to $630 billion by 2014.

A Few Thoughts From NRF
February 1, 2014

This past January, as I've done for the past five years or so, I trekked into New York City's Jacob Javits Convention Center for the National Retail Federation's (NRF) Big Show. I was met, as I was in past years as well, by retailers from around the world. I spent time at this year's conference attending presentations and press conferences; meeting and interviewing retail industry execs in the press room; and walking the vast exhibit hall floors trying to find the "next big things" in retail technology. Here are a few of my takeaways

7 Questions Retail Execs Need to Ask Their IT Department About Security
January 31, 2014

As senior managers, we're tasked with overseeing initiatives that drive innovation and growth, defining and setting the direction of the company, hiring the right people to execute the overall vision, and being champions for the company's products and services. Together, our actions and decisions are designed to influence product development, sales, operations, competitive positioning, company reputation and, if publicly traded, stock performance. If a particular business unit or function isn't performing as expected, or their actions have an adverse effect on operations, ultimately, the responsibility falls on senior management.

How Lowe's, Zappos and Ikea Use Technology to Provide Added Value to Consumers
December 12, 2013

The evolution of technology within the retail and e-commerce space is shaping how consumers behave and interact with brands and savvy, smart retailers know that understanding shoppers’ behavior is key for success. These retailers realize they can utilize technology to capitalize on consumer needs and customize offerings to help significantly increase their bottom lines. Here's how companies are using technology to provide added value to consumers. 

Sephora Generates Store Traffic With Beauty Classes
October 7, 2013

Beauty retailer Sephora has launched Sephora University Beauty Classes, a new program designed to help beauty lovers of all ages and abilities master everything from building a skin care routine to creating the perfect smoky eye. Now available in more than 60 stores throughout the United States, these complimentary classes are the newest way in which Sephora is striving to further enhance the client experience.

Google Finds a Fashionable Champion in Diane von Furstenberg
October 7, 2013

Last Thursday, Diane von Furstenberg's studio in New York's Meatpacking district underwent a temporary transformation. Gone were the large pieces of furniture on the east-facing wall; in their place were cameras, studio lights and a half dozen production people, in addition to representatives from Google, the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA), public relations firm KCD as well as von Furstenberg's own design company. The occasion? Von Furstenberg was hosting the first shoppable Google+ Hangout, one in a series to be held by CFDA designers.