Social Media Marketing

How to Deal With Negative Customer Reviews
August 31, 2010

Social media has given a voice to anyone who wants to attack your business, and there are people out there who seem to revel in attacking for any reason — or no reason at all.

Piperlime's Latest Social Media Campaign Creates a Stir
August 18, 2010

Piperlime has raised the ire of some of its Facebook fans with a series of cheeky — or "snotty," according to detractors — wall posts last week. The Gap brand began posting updates on Facebook and Twitter such as "Every time you wear sweatpants in public, a single guy leaves New York" and "Let's put Saturday-night effort into Sunday afternoon." While some fans found the posts entertaining, even applauding Piperlime for attacking sweatpants, others were enraged.

Retailers Bring Weekly Circulars to Facebook
August 5, 2010

Walgreen's, Canadian Tire, J.C. Penney, Save-A-Lot, Sports Authority, Staples and True Value are among the brands incorporating the web version of their weekly newspaper circulars into their Facebook pages.

Making a Name for Itself
August 1, 2010

Launched on June 23, 2009, as an online marketplace not unlike eBay, enables CPG manufacturers to sell their household essentials — think toothpaste, laundry detergent, trash bags, toilet paper, etc. — direct to consumers. By making thousands of products typically not found online available for purchase, has tapped into an underserved market, albeit surprisingly so to the company's founders.

The Media and E-Commerce Connection
August 1, 2010

More and more, traditional media sites and magazines are entering the world of e-commerce, while more and more e-tailers are offering content that's very similar to what could be found in fashion magazines.

Social Media Marketing: Getting in the Game, Part 1
July 20, 2010

The hard fact is, social media, like any other marketing program — email, pay per click, affiliates, etc. — is less about luck and instant success, and much more about common sense, patience and hard work.