Social Media Marketing

How to Approach Online Contests
September 1, 2011

Contests are a great way to expand a company's marketing reach if the message gets out to the right people. Online promotions of all types, including contests, require a combination of paid advertising and a top-quality network to be successful. The network has to be large enough to generate traffic and interest to make the contest successful. Adding pay per click and advertising on social media platforms is needed to expand your reach. Before your next contest, create and execute a staged strategy to build community and interest.

The +1 Button for Retailers
August 31, 2011

Adding +1 buttons to your product pages makes it easy for your customers to recommend the products they love on your site with a single click. And thanks to recent improvements to the +1 button, they can take the conversation even further by sharing your products right away on Google+.

Facebook Exits Daily-Deal Space After 4 Months of Testing
August 30, 2011

Facebook is getting out of the daily-deals business after four months of testing, a move that may ease some competitive pressure on industry leaders Groupon and LivingSocial. The world's largest social network launched Facebook Deals in April and started making offers in five cities with a small sales team arranging deals with local merchants. But the company also ran offers that were set up by 11 other daily-deal companies, including ReachLocal, Gilt City and Zozi.

Gilt Groupe to Launch Facebook Store
August 24, 2011

Gilt Groupe has announced the launch of its Facebook store. Supporting sales across the women's, men's, home and children's categories, the online store will offer products and partnerships unique to Facebook, as well as allow Facebook users to shop select sales before they are available on-site. 

Facebook, Twitter See Record Number of Visits in July
August 23, 2011

Facebook and Twitter both broke records last month with the highest number of visitors seen by both sites, according to data released by comScore. For the month, Facebook was the fourth most visited website in the U.S., behind Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft.

Chico's FAS Implements SAS Social Media Analytics
August 16, 2011

Chico's FAS announced it will implement SAS's on-demand social media analytics solution to understand what's being said about its brands and apply this intelligence to decision making. The apparel retailer will begin by analyzing data from Facebook and Twitter, extending its customer insights beyond the boundaries of brick-and-mortar.

CVS Taking Heat for Length of Store Receipts
August 15, 2011

CVS has been receiving some negative press and social media commentary over the length of its paper receipts. Take this posting from the Facebook page "One Million Strong Against Unnecessarily Long CVS Receipts" as an example: "My last CVS receipt for $3.34 was 25.5 inches long. And that's too (expletive) long. I don't care that they use my CVS card to track me across the planet, I just want a receipt that isn't 1/3rd my height."