
Catalogers to Gain Temporary Postal Rate Relief
May 25, 2007

Washington, DC โ€“ May 25, 2007โ€” The Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) today offered interim rate relief for Standard Regular flats and catalog mailers in response to the Governors of the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) who requested reconsideration of the recommended rates in March.   The Commissionโ€™s Second Opinion and Recommended Decision on Reconsideration recommends a transitional temporary rate reduction of three cents ($0.03) for all Standard Mail Regular flats and two cents ($0.02) for Standard Regular nonprofit flats.  By law, the average revenue per piece for nonprofit mail is only 60 percent of the average revenue for commercial mail.  No other rate changes were recommended by

Re-examining the Industryโ€™s Conferences and How to Cover Them
May 18, 2007

This is my 21st go-round attending ACCM, the Annual Conference for Catalog and Multichannel Merchants (did I get that whole thing right?), being held May 21-23 in Boston. For my first 18, I was part of the assorted parent companies that co-sponsored the event with the DMA. But for the past two, as a press attendee and not a part-host, Iโ€™ve picked up a different perspective on this event as well as on some other conferences. Actually, I take that back: This year, Iโ€™m sort of a part-host again on the other side of the partnership since I was recently named chairman/editor of the

How the USPS Can Save Shippers Some Cabbage
May 15, 2007

For companies that ship to residential locations, it may behoove them to take advantage of the U.S. Postal Service, which can still provide cost-effective shipping despite the recent rate increases. That was the message of Alicia Berry, COO of DVD Empire, a Web-based DVD retailer, at a session during the recent National Conference on Operations & Fulfillment in Schaumburg, Ill. โ€œThe most important thing you can do to control costs is to figure out where each of your packages is going and how much it costs โ€” the daily numbers,โ€ she said. โ€œThat way, youโ€™ll be able to take advantage of what the USPS has

Editorโ€™s Take: On the Great Postal Disaster of 2007
May 1, 2007

With the much dreaded postal rate increase taking effect this month, hopefully by now most catalogers have made at least some of the adjustments needed to continue to grow โ€” or at least survive. As weโ€™re in the heart of the industryโ€™s conference season, many have been feasting on scores of postal cost-cutting tips coming from presentations, special emergency sessions and the media. For our part, after breaking the news on our Web site ( about the Postal Regulatory Commissionโ€™s punishing catalog rate increase that was more or less hidden in its rate recommendation to the U.S. Postal Serviceโ€™s Board of Governors,

How to Read a Datacard Like a Pro, Part 3
May 1, 2007

When I look at a datacard to decide the mailability of a prospect list, I look carefully at all of the details. I have an inquisitive and questioning nature and want to know everything I can about the lists I want to mail, butโ€ฆ

โ€ฆMostly what I want to know is what affinity the prospect list has with my customers.

The closer the affinity, the more I can assume this list is a good prospect for my mailings. If the list seems right, based on the information on the datacard, I move it from my โ€œsuspectโ€ list folder to my โ€œprospectโ€ list folder.

Some datacards provide a

Valuations & Acquisitions: Why Deal Due Diligence Is Worth a Try
May 1, 2007

In my last Catalog Success column, โ€œWhat Acquisition Due Diligence Reviews Can Teach Youโ€ (February 2007, pg. 37), I explained why catalogers can benefit from embracing and using the analytical models employed by acquirers and financing sources in this industry as they decide which catalog/Web marketing businesses to pursue. Now, onto the use of due diligence methodologies in catalog deal-making. These are some of the key analyses you should use in most of your seasonal circ plans and your annual strategic plan. Furthermore, and of no small importance, these are the same metrics and analyses your local banker should be using when deciding on

Timing, Relevance, Personalization Are Keys to Cutting Through Clutter
May 1, 2007

Marketers are facing the mounting challenge of consumers feeling theyโ€™re bombarded with messages they didnโ€™t ask for, donโ€™t need and find disruptive. This so-called โ€œclutterโ€ has led to decreasing response rates. A new whitepaper prepared by the Winterberry Group with data supplied by Mintel Comperemedia, Responsys and Vertis Communications finds that timing, relevance and personalization are three keys to cutting through that โ€œclutterโ€ and driving consumer response. Here are some tips taken from the report to help catalogers and other direct marketers achieve those goals: 1. Make timing count. Coordinate offers with life events, such as marriages, births, new moves. Consumers are also more open to

More Postal Pain-Relieving Tips Offered at DMALI Meeting
April 24, 2007

During its monthly luncheon in Plainview, N.Y., on April 19, the Direct Marketing Association of Long Island (DMALI) focused primarily on the catalog/multichannel businessโ€™s issue du jour: postal. Perry Fernandes, general manager of the PSI Group division of Pitney Bowes, and Vito Fortuna, a U.S. Postal Service marketing strategist, provided details on the upcoming postage increase and offered some less-recently-pubicized strategies for marketers to mitigate it. Fernandes offered the following tips to lessen the burden of the increase. * Consolidate mailings or mail streams when possible * Design letter-size pieces to avoid non-machinable surcharges * Change flat size pieces to meet letter size dimensions * Alter parcel size mail

Seven Tips to Stem Losses from Unaccounted Movers
April 10, 2007

Each year, direct mailers lose millions of dollars due to a seemingly uncontrollable problem: unaccounted for movers. The U.S. Postal Service reports that 14.2 percent of Americans move to a new address each year. Of these movers, approximately 10 percent to 20 percent never report their new address to the USPS. The losses add up quickly, even from one mailing. Thereโ€™s the expense of printing and mailing an undeliverable piece as well as the lost sales from the relocated buyer. For a mailing of 1 million pieces that costs $0.55 each and nets $2.50 in revenue per piece, the losses can total more than

Postal Desperation: A Last Minute Call to Action to Protest the Pending Rate Hike
April 3, 2007

Iโ€™m going to interrupt my series on list selects for the issue thatโ€™s gotten under just about every catalogerโ€™s skin lately: the pending postage increase. You have until April 12 to make your voice heard by protesting the USPS postal hike. As you may already know the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) is recommending ridiculously high postal increases that could severely damage many catalogersโ€™ businesses.

I urge you before it is too late to make your voice heard! (See below if not clear how to go about doing this.)

The PRC has posted on its Web site a โ€œNotice Of Request For Reconsideration And Order Establishing