Payment Options

3 Tips for Developing a Branded Currency Strategy
November 4, 2013

Gift cards are a tried-and-true strategy for influencing purchase decisions and, as such, have proven to be a lucrative revenue stream for small and big-box retailers alike. Today, gift cards take many forms and represent more than $110 billion in sales. Tomorrow, however, holds something much bigger for retailers with gifting programs. There's a "branded currency" revolution on the horizon; those retailers that can make the transition from a traditional gift card program to a comprehensive branded currency strategy will have the opportunity to increase online and in-store sales, drive new customer acquisition and grow loyalty.

How Scared Up Holiday Sales Thanks to PayPal
October 31, 2013

In the spirit of the season, I thought I'd check in with North Mankato, Minn.-based, a leading online Halloween costume destination, to see how it was faring this season. was started 10 years ago out of a garage; today it receives hundreds of thousands of costume orders during the Halloween season. The company attributes its growth and success to several factors, including leveraging scalable technology from partners such as PayPal, Google and

Feds Investigating eBay's Bill Me Later
October 24, 2013

Federal regulators are probing eBay's Bill Me Later for potential consumer abuses associated with its money-lending practices, the company disclosed in a regulatory filing. Bill Me Later, which eBay absorbed in 2008 through a PayPal acquisition, has previously come under fire for charging deferred interest and is fighting a lawsuit in Utah, where its current and former issuing banks are chartered.

5 Ways to Combat โ€˜Friendly Fraudโ€™
October 15, 2013

Identity theft and consumer fraud are synonymous with internet scams. From complaint boards to value-added upsells solicited by credit card companies, when it comes to fraudulent online activity, the most common offender is seen as a vicious criminal. However, a different type of fraud is taking the lion's share of this nomenclature by storm, boasting an explosive growth rate when it comes to online transactions. The criminal behind the scenes is one who is very rarely recognized. This is what's being referred to as "friendly fraud."

PayPal to Enable In-Store Payments
October 9, 2013

PayPal will introduce a new way for people to pay for goods in-store with their phones in another bid to extend its business beyond online retailers. The Payment Code feature, announced yesterday, will allow PayPal users to pay for things in physical retail stores by scanning a QR code generated in the app, or by using a one-time four-digit code in stores that use PIN codes but don't have a scanner.

Top Considerations for Selecting an Online Shopping Cart
September 6, 2013

There are so many different shopping cart providers today, how do you know what to look for when selecting one? The answer ultimately lies in knowing which software will adapt and grow with your business best. As I see it, there are five absolutely critical things that must be considered when setting up an online store and selecting an online shopping cart:

Billabong Installs Currency Solution to Better Serve International Customers
September 1, 2013

Billabong is a global omnichannel retailer of surfwear and extreme sports apparel that has a presence in more than 100 countries, including 110 brick-and-mortar stores in the U.S. With its extended reach and strong international customer base, Billabong frequently saw customers from around the world shopping in its U.S. stores. To provide these international customers shopping in the U.S. as seamless an experience as possible, Billabong recently installed a "Pay in Your Currency" payment solution in 85 of its stores across the country.

Forget Credit Cards. In Finland, You Can Pay With Your Face
July 19, 2013

Uniqul, a Finnish startup, has patented and tested a unique payment system that does away with many security worries about paying for items in a store. In Uniqul's system, your face is your PIN. The company is going to roll out terminals in the Helsinki area soon. The actual mechanism is as simple as it sounds: To confirm a transaction at point of sale, the user simply has to present their face to the camera, watch for their

PayPal Adds Mobile Support to Commerce Identity Login Technology
May 1, 2013

In 2011, PayPal debuted PayPal Access, a payments identity technology that allows you to carry your payments identity to various retailers on the web. It's essentially a cross between's payments platform and Facebook Connect. Yesterday, PayPal announced a new name for the product, Log In With PayPal, and added a number of new features, including mobile support. With Log In With PayPal, instead of signing up with a specific retailer's credentials on a site, you sign up with your PayPal account, which would include all of your financial, shipping and billing information, as well as your purchase history.

Will Retail Payments Be the Killer App for Mobile Wallets?
March 11, 2013

What do you do when thousands of mobile industry leaders from around the world get together in one place? You take their collective pulse with a survey, of course. This was the third annual Sybase 365/SAP Mobile survey of the operators, fixed telco providers, over-the-top players and other industry execs at the GSMA Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.