Order Fulfillment
When considering live chat, many online retailers think the technology is for sales or service — but not both. Savvy e-retailers realize that these days, no clear point of distinction exists. You can't have one without the other.
Macy's posted a profit for the period ending Oct. 30, coming back from a loss the same time a year ago, as sales rose.
Retailers are on pace to hire the most temporary workers for the holiday season in three years, according to outplacment firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc. Retail stores increased payrolls by 150,900 in October — three times more than the same month in 2009 — based on data from the U.S. Labor Department.
A group of North America's leading retail industry members — including stores, manufacturers, and retail and RFID associations — have teamed up to begin writing road maps and guidelines for RFID usage at the item level in the retail sector.
The Retail Industry Leaders Association's Casey Chroust discusses logistics trends in retail at RILA Logistics 2010.
Patient: "Doc, although we've got a good handle on our big-picture strategies, we keep getting off track in our execution. Our channel teams drift from what's said in our meetings; our timing is thrown off; our promos aren't all coordinated among our channels; our customers get hit with messages from all channels at once, then have a gap with no messages at all; and so on. Do you have any prescription to help us get and stay on track?"
The U.S. Postal Service is temporarily suspending acceptance of inbound mail from Yemen in response to potential terror threats from the country.
One brand's loss is another's gain. To achieve a stronger foothold in the off-price world, women's retailer AnnTaylor Stores Corp. will take over 40 factory outlets being closed by apparel brand Liz Claiborne Inc.