Online Marketing

Why Retail Businesses Must Embrace Technology
April 1, 2015

As we rapidly move from old media to the new media of the internet, retailers must shift to also take advantage of the digital economy where their customers are now shopping. This digital transformation is the greatest opportunity in the history of trade and commerce. For the first time, the internet creates a digital democracy of marketing and advertising because few retailers can afford consistent advertising, while the internet makes multimedia affordable and creates a revenue center.

8 ‘Modern Day’ Digital and Social Media Marketing Myths Debunked
April 1, 2015

Call me a heretic, but a lot of the "gospel of modern digital marketing" seems a bit too familiar to me. Digital marketers have done a great job of discrediting "traditional" direct marketing in an effort to make what they're selling (pure digital) more palatable. I get it. They need an edge, and bashing channels like DRTV and direct mail, while building up search engine optimization, inbound and social makes sense for them. But lets get real for a minute, shall we? Many digital marketers "coming up" don't even know where the rules they practice daily come from. Yet they still say traditional direct marketing is dead. Makes no sense, right? 

4 Tips for Integrating the Online and Offline Shopping Experiences
February 9, 2015

Retailers need to envision what an integrated in-store experience looks like, whether that's creating in-store push notifications, using beacons to drive messaging to shoppers or offering special deals for shoppers on your app. Here are a few ways to create a seamless experience between in-store and mobile shopping:

This Lingerie Company A/B Tests the World's Hottest Women to See Who Makes You Click ‘Buy’
November 24, 2014

Sex doesn't sell, so forget the boudoir shot. Blondes don't work. Props distract. Couches are fine. Playing with hair is ideal. Those are some of the insights lingerie company Adore Me has learned from testing the photos of models wearing its sexy products online. For each bra, Adore Me shoots multiple versions of images to run on its website. The distinctions between the pictures might include different models wearing the same set in the exact same position, or the same model in the same set in a different position. Then it tests the options to find out which sells better.

Email to Anchor Retailers’ Holiday Marketing Plans, Report Finds
November 17, 2014

Tried-and-true email marketing will be the focal point of many brands’ holiday marketing strategies this year, according to a report last week from Experian Marketing Services. Ninety-one percent of marketers surveyed around the world will use email in their 2014 holiday marketing campaigns, the most of any channel. Website (76 percent) and social media (70 percent) rounded out the top three channels.

Social to Have Greater Influence on Holiday Purchases, Survey Finds
October 9, 2014

A survey released today by MarketLive, a commerce technology platform provider, identifies key buying trends for the upcoming holiday shopping season as well as tactics retailers can employ to better engage consumers during this busy season. Here are some of the key findings from the report, which surveyed a random sample of 1,000 U.S. consumers who had shopped online at least four times within the past year, own a smartphone, and typically spend $250 or more online annually: