Online Marketing

Sellers Baffled as Amazon Ditches Product Ads
August 12, 2015 at 3:59 pm

Merchants who advertise products on got some confusing news on Tuesday. Amazon is discontinuing its Product Ads program, and it's replacing it with a new Text Ads program. But no one seems able to find information about the Text Ads. EcommerceBytes could find nothing about it on Amazon's website, and the company didn't respondโ€ฆ

3 Tips for More Relevant Customer Engagements
August 7, 2015 at 5:28 pm

Consumers today have more power than ever before. Every minute of every day they engage with numerous brands across multiple channels, demanding highly relevant experiences along their journey. Sounds like marketers need some powerful new capabilities to make this possible. Maybe, but consumers are becoming more and more willing to guide retailers along the pathโ€ฆ

Digital Advertising Trends Retailers Need to Know
July 29, 2015 at 3:20 pm

Every quarter, IgnitionOne checks in with the ongoing trends in digital marketing and publishes a report based on the data flowing through our platform. Frankly, the people who find this report most interesting are the investors and financial analysts who live and die by whether they should buy, sell or hold various stock. But forโ€ฆ

Retailers Pushing Toward Personalization
July 6, 2015 at 1:57 pm

When shoppers browse your website, do first-time visitors favoring a product category get served the same recommendations as repeat buyers? Do โ€œmillennial technophilesโ€ get the same experience as โ€œadventurous empty nestersโ€ or โ€œfashion-forward momsโ€? Retailers are increasingly answering โ€œnoโ€ to these questions โ€” and driving deeper customer engagement and more leads as a result. Byโ€ฆ

8 โ€˜Modern Dayโ€™ Digital and Social Media Marketing Myths Debunked
April 1, 2015

Call me a heretic, but a lot of the "gospel of modern digital marketing" seems a bit too familiar to me. Digital marketers have done a great job of discrediting "traditional" direct marketing in an effort to make what they're selling (pure digital) more palatable. I get it. They need an edge, and bashing channels like DRTV and direct mail, while building up search engine optimization, inbound and social makes sense for them. But lets get real for a minute, shall we? Many digital marketers "coming up" don't even know where the rules they practice daily come from. Yet they still say traditional direct marketing is dead. Makes no sense, right? 

Why Retail Businesses Must Embrace Technology
April 1, 2015

As we rapidly move from old media to the new media of the internet, retailers must shift to also take advantage of the digital economy where their customers are now shopping. This digital transformation is the greatest opportunity in the history of trade and commerce. For the first time, the internet creates a digital democracy of marketing and advertising because few retailers can afford consistent advertising, while the internet makes multimedia affordable and creates a revenue center.