
Wal-Mart to Invest $50M in Chinese Online Grocer New Dada
October 24, 2016 at 11:08 am

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. said on Friday it would invest $50 million in Chinese online grocery and delivery firm New Dada. The move extends Wal-Mart's partnerships with local Chinese online players to help boost sales in the world's second-largest economy. For example, Wal-Mart earlier this year sold its own online platform, Yihaodian, in exchange for aโ€ฆ

Dick's Sporting Goods Wins Bid for Golfsmith
October 24, 2016 at 10:15 am

Dick's Sporting Goods Inc., along with various liquidators, won a bankruptcy auction on Friday for the U.S. business of Golfsmith International Holdings Inc.with a bid of $70 million, according to reports. Golfsmith filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in September. Dickโ€™s plans to keep open at least 30 of Golfsmith's current 90 stores, and liquidators Tigerโ€ฆ

Omnichannel is Not Enough
October 21, 2016 at 8:42 am

Every modern retailer and brand knows an omnichannel strategy is needed in order to thrive in todayโ€™s commerce landscape. The term has passed m-commerce, social commerce and even multichannel in popularity. And from my vantage point, the approach is valid: meet the customer at the places where they want to be met. However, risk arisesโ€ฆ

The Amazon Effect: 3 Strategies to Start Killing it in Your Category
October 19, 2016 at 12:24 pm

The retail landscape is changing, and it all can be traced back to a phenomenon dubbed the Amazon effect. This trend, in which online retailers are cutting into the market shares of even the biggest of big-box chains, has small business owners asking one question: What do we do? Building a website and setting upโ€ฆ

Apple's Retail Chief on Experiential Retail
October 19, 2016 at 10:57 am

Experiential retail is widely considered not only a trend of this year, but something retailers need to be aware of in 2017. Yesterday, Apple's retail chief Angela Ahrendts shared how the brand is capitalizing on experiential retail and introducing newly redesigned retail outlets, not just as stores, but as the company's next big products. Inโ€ฆ

3 Omnichannel Tips to Optimize Holiday Revenues
October 18, 2016 at 11:52 am

Retailers should waste no time in preparing for this yearโ€™s holiday shopping season. Before you know it, consumers will begin searching for the fastest, most convenient way to snag every last item on their holiday wish list. From an e-commerce website to traditional brick-and-mortar stores, offering more than one purchasing channel is an important first step, but it may not be enough to stand out from the competition. By implementing an omnichannel strategy that enables dataโ€ฆ

Combatant Gentlemen to Open Bloomingdale's Store-Within-a-Store Concept
October 17, 2016 at 11:59 am

Combatant Gentlemen, a menswear retailer (and one of Total Retail's Game Changers), will be opening store-within-a-store shops at select Bloomingdale's locations starting next month. At the shops, customers can use a touch screen to personalize suits and work directly with tailors. Combatant Gentlemen, founded in 2012 by Vishaal Melwani, the companyโ€™s chief executive and a tailor, tookโ€ฆ

Generation Z: Seeking Engagement at All Levels
October 14, 2016 at 9:53 am

Retailers have a new generation to market to, and itโ€™s more important than ever to respond to their wants and needs. Generation Z is unlike any cohort weโ€™ve seen in the past, which presents a challenge to retailers and brands that are looking to target and engage with Gen Z shoppers. While there are aโ€ฆ

Amazon Plans to Open Convenience Stores
October 11, 2016 at 11:20 am

According to The Wall Street Journal, plans to open convenience stores that sell milk, produce and other consumables, as well as drive-up destinations where shoppers can have their orders brought to their cars. People familiar with the strategy told the paper that shoppers could use their smartphones or screens scattered around the shops to place theirโ€ฆ

What Generation is the Most Valuable for Brands to Target While In-Store?
October 11, 2016 at 10:06 am

For many years, marketers have believed that millennials were the golden generation to target. Many products, marketing campaigns and even businesses have been built with the idea in mind that millennials were the easiest target market to reach because of the mediums they use. Mediums such as social media and mobile have been marketing goldโ€ฆ