
3 Ways to Mirror Your In-Store Experience Online
June 29, 2018 at 11:08 am

Itโ€™s becoming increasingly difficult for retailers, both traditional and online, to grab the attention (and wallets) of online shoppers. Battling on multiple fronts, from fierce competition to cart abandonment, retailers are feeling the pressure. Part of the challenge is in delivering an โ€œexperience.โ€ For the offline world this is tangible and easily iterated upon, however,โ€ฆ

Brands Must Adapt to Rising Consumer Expectations
June 28, 2018 at 10:20 am

The prevalence of e-commerce giants has completely changed consumer buying expectations. Apparel, fashion and retail companies are all feeling the effects of the shift toward unified commerce and the pressure to deliver on consumer demands. Going beyond shipping, fulfillment and customer experience, consumers are looking closely at how a product is made, and making purchase decisionsโ€ฆ

Retailย Trends Impacting Customer Experience in 2018 and Beyond
June 26, 2018 at 11:25 am

The retail landscape continues to change in dramatic ways, and retailers that want to stay relevant must evolve quickly. For guidance, just look back at the course of the past year to how shoppersโ€™ expectations and engagement preferences are transforming. In March 2018, retail sales totaled $494.6 billion, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. This wasโ€ฆ

Omnichannel Growth Driving New Order Fulfillment Expectations
June 25, 2018 at 11:23 am

Todayโ€™s digitally empowered consumer wants retailers to offer more omnichannel fulfillment options, including choices in how and where they can buy merchandise. In The Future of Fulfillment Vision Study, Zebra Technologies surveyed more than 2,700 professionals in the global retail, delivery and logistics, and manufacturing industries to determine the extent to which retailers and theirโ€ฆ

Retail Strategies: Integrated Omnichannel is the Next Step
June 21, 2018 at 9:21 am

Retail isnโ€™t dead, it has just moved โ€” online. Itโ€™s no secret that the proliferation of mobile has altered countless elements of consumersโ€™ lives, including the way they shop. While the in-store experience isn't without its advantages โ€” tactile and instant gratification, to name a few โ€” the convenience of on-the-go browsing and in-the-moment purchasingโ€ฆ

The ROI Case for Omnichannel Support
June 20, 2018 at 10:10 am

As companies increasingly look to provide a better experience for customers, offering support across multiple channels is becoming more popular than ever. According to the Aberdeen Group, companies doubled the number of channels they use to interact with customers between 2012 and 2017. But thereโ€™s a difference between providing support on a few channels and delivering a truly integrated omnichannel solution. Using the Zendesk Benchmark, our crowd-sourced index of customer service interactions from 45,000 participating organizations across 140 countries, we examined why companies are going omnichannel and what sets the companies using Zendesk for omnichannel support apart from everyone else.

The How-To Guide to Omnichannel Support
June 20, 2018 at 9:51 am

Even if companies understand that an omnichannel approach performs better in terms of operational metrics and meeting customer expectations, thereโ€™s still the question of how to do it. How should companies go about adopting an omnichannel support solution? With data from the Zendesk Benchmark, our index of product usage data from 45,000 Zendesk customers, we put together findings on best practices when it comes to launching new channels, integrating existing channels, and teaming up with the right technology partners.

The Death of Retail or a Retail Renaissance?
June 15, 2018 at 10:38 am

Both property companies and retailers are reporting a crisis and the death of retail. Stores are being shut down or shrinking their footprints, and the traditional retail format with merchandise lined up on shelves is a dying breed. Yet at the same time there's a renaissance going on in retail, and we're seeing examples ofโ€ฆ

How Toad & Co. is Optimizing Inventory Management
June 7, 2018 at 3:18 pm

In the video below, recorded at IRCE in Chicago, Kelly Milazzo, vice president of operations at Toad & Co., a sustainable, organic and eco-friendly apparel retailer, discusses the brand's challenges in optimizing inventory levels across its multiple channels (wholesale, company-owned retail stores, e-commerce), and how a technology solution is helping to overcome them.