
A Classic Act
November 1, 2005

While you might think bow ties are a fashion statement best made by tuxedoed grooms, maรฎtre dโ€™s and waiters, the founders of Beau Ties Ltd. of Vermont would disagree with you. So would Beau Tiesโ€™ customers, whose love of the butterfly-shaped neckwear has allowed this catalog to grow from a one-page flier mailed to 3,500 names in 1993 to a 56-page book with annual sales in excess of $2 million. In the 13 years Beau Ties has been in business, founders Bill Kenerson and Deb Venman have learned a thing or two about marketing to a niche audience. For this catalog, the right mix

Creative: Part 1. Keep Your Brand Identity Across Customer Touchpoints
October 18, 2005

As a multichannel marketer, you touch your customers in many ways. In a given year, theyโ€™ll see your catalog, e-mails, postcards, package inserts, Web site and even store displays. Across these varied media, what should stay the same? What should be different? Lois Boyle, president of Mission, Kan.-based catalog consultancy J. Schmid& Associates, offers the following three tips on maintaining brand identity across multiple customer touchpoints. 1. Vary your message, not your voice. Customers will get used to the way you speak to them, notes Boyle. If the same person isnโ€™t responsible for writing copy for every customer touchpoint, keep samples of your copy voice on

Executive Focus: How to Create a Tangible Reporting System
October 11, 2005

Do you want to create a reporting system that quantifies your catalog companyโ€™s successful interaction between customers and employees? Start with the five Rโ€™s: Retention analysis. Review both employees and customers. Companies with long-term employees can offer better service to customers than those with high staff turnover rates. Losing employees due to low wages and/or high stress is counter-productive when you look at the costs associated with recruiting and training quality employees. If you have a challenge retaining quality people, reallocate funds to improve existing employeesโ€™ wages. Becoming an employer of choice will improve your retention rates significantly and will reduce costs. To retain

Five Ways to Make List Selects Work Harder for You
October 1, 2005

โ€œList universes have shrunk, no doubt about it. And the economic climate is tougher than it has been in years for many catalogers, especially smaller niche titles like Design Toscano,โ€ says Erik Martinez, the catalogโ€™s vice president of marketing and information technology. So for Design Toscano, a home furnishings cataloger based near Chicago, looking for prospect lists with similar affinities is like looking for a needle in the proverbial haystack. Where have all the good prospect lists gone? โ€œSome catalogs went under, while others responded to the economic climate by expanding into broader merchandise offerings,โ€ Martinez notes. โ€œThat doesnโ€™t help us, because

The Coming Web Revolution
October 1, 2005

Big changes are afoot online. Itโ€™s still early, but I see two trends that will impact online marketing: 1) the sharing of content and 2) the sharing of applications. These two trends havenโ€™t fully arrived, and so they donโ€™t have well-established names yet. But their early glimmers are visible today in the growth of really simple syndication (RSS) and the growing popularity of Web service application programming interfaces (APIs). These trends โ€” letโ€™s call them โ€œopen contentโ€ and โ€œopen appsโ€ โ€” are coming fast. During the next few years theyโ€™ll revolutionize the Web, and in doing so, revolutionize online marketing. This article

By the Stats: Marketers Struggle With Efficiency Measures
September 27, 2005

Time and teamwork: Such variables remain crucial to achieving broad marketing goals, according to a new study done by AMR Research for Unica Corp., a provider of enteprise marketing management software. ยฅ Sixty-one percent of the 120 marketers surveyed said they lack confidence that their marketing resources and dollars are being used efficiently. Most respondents cited lack of coordination between departments and time constraints that inhibit their ability to focus on marketing objectives. ยฅ Only about 40 percent of marketers say their companies have the ability to deliver targeted marketing offers during customer service interactions. ยฅ And only 34 percent say they deliver consistent

B-to-B: Capitalize on B-to-B Purchasing Behavior
September 20, 2005

Looking for industry groups that are most likely to buy your products? Following are the results of an Abacus Alliance study of b-to-b purchases in 2004: ยฅ Electronics, gadgets and tools are five times more likely to be bought by officials in heavy industries. ยฅ Seminars and training classes are five times more likely to be booked by government agents. ยฅ Books, newsletters and magazines are 18 times more likely to be purchased by those in the healthcare industry. ยฅ Cards and stationary are more likely to bought by executives in finance/insurance and healthcare. ยฅ And computers are more likely to be purchased by

E-commerce: Use Your Web Site to Improve the Customer Experience Across Channels
September 13, 2005

Your Web site plays a crucial role in tying together all of your marketing channels. In fact, consumers cite company Web sites and third-party retail sites as being the most influential factor in seven out of 10 product categories as a source of further learning in their decision-making processes leading to purchase, according to a recent survey by DoubleClick. What are some ways you can leverage your Web site to increase conversions both online and off? Chris Shimojima, vice president of customer marketing at Sears Direct, shared some of his strategies on integrating the Web with your other channels in his session โ€œCreating a Best-in-Class

10 Tactics for Online Testing
September 1, 2005

Almost any question can be answered cheaply, quickly and finally by a test campaign. And thatโ€™s the way to answer them โ€” not by arguments around a table. Go to the court of last resort โ€” the buyers of your product. โ€”Claude Hopkins, Scientific Advertising, 1923 Savvy catalogers have long used testing to improve their mail businesses. And as the Web matures, catalogers are bringing the same discipline to their online marketing efforts. This article offers 10 tips for running direct marketing tests in the online world. The first seven are common to online and offline. The last three are unique

Gear Up for Holiday Sales
September 1, 2005

Itโ€™s September, and as a cataloger and e-marketer, you know what that means โ€” the all-important holiday selling season is just around the corner. In this issue we offer several strategies that may help boost your sales during the fourth quarter. Consultant Alan Rimm-Kaufman offers practical tips for testing offers in your online sales channel, including keeping test notebooks, checking one variable at a time and assigning unique tracking codes. See his โ€œE-commerce Insightsโ€ column. And if youโ€™re thinking about prospecting via insert media programs, donโ€™t miss Associate Editor Matt Griffinโ€™s feature โ€œDoโ€™s and Donโ€™ts to Help Boost Response.โ€ In the article,