
Finding the Perfect Balance
June 1, 2009

This year's economic retreat actually stands to help Gaiam, a product and information services company with a heavy emphasis on sustainability, position itself for greater growth in the near future.

How Lifetime Value Differs in Catalog vs. Web
May 1, 2009

Lifetime value (LTV) is the value of all purchases a given customer has made to date, plus the value of purchases that customer is likely to make (discounted for present value) over time. LTV helps determine how much you can afford to invest in new buyers looking beyond their initial purchases.Lifetime value (LTV) is the value of all purchases a given customer has made to date, plus the value of purchases that customer is likely to make (discounted for present value) over time. LTV helps determine how much you can afford to invest in new buyers looking beyond their initial purchases.

5 Online Metrics to Maximize All That Data
May 1, 2009

Picture this: Youโ€™re on a sunny beach, stretched out on the sand. A child is sitting next to you with pail and shovel in hand. The child mischievously starts covering your ankles and feet in sand. You smile and continue sipping your refreshing piรฑa colada. Now a dump truck pulls up and pours a mountain of sand all over you. Youโ€™re buried, and the sand muffles your scream. The former, pleasant scene represents the amount of data your marketing staff had to deal with about 10 years ago. The dump truck represents todayโ€™s daily data deluge.

Ask 4 Questions Before Targeting B-to-G
May 1, 2009

Most B-to-B catalogers sell to the government, albeit in a passive mode. Using the SmartPay credit card, federal buyers appear on B-to-B buying lists with some regularity. When properly targeted, they can become a significant percentage of any B-to-B catalogerโ€™s business.

What's It Really All About Now?
May 1, 2009

In tough times like these, companies often look for Band-Aids to slap over problems so they can get by. This year we all have problems, and the catalog business isnโ€™t immune to them. In many respects, namely the losing battle they continue to fight with the USPS (although at press time, there was a glimmer of hope for postage to be adjusted downward for larger-volume mailers), catalogers are hurting worse than others.

The Multichannel Shopper
May 1, 2009

Clothiers have worked the catalog and retail combination for decades. Knowing the strength of multiple channels, they were early adopters of online marketing. But in multichannel branding, have they maintained their lead? To find out, we recently conducted a secret shopper exploration of Eddie Bauer, J.Crew and Anthropologie. (For the first part of this ongoing series, check out our Multichannel Shopper investigation of food merchants in our January 2009 issue, which is also archived at

Promos: What Really Works?
April 1, 2009

Promotions have become a regular part of doing business and something the consumer expects, especially this year. More than half of all catalogs, in fact, offer some type of promo, and some 20 percent of them offer free shipping! But what really works?

The 2009 Catalog Success 200
April 1, 2009

The Catalog Success 200 presents a keen way of showing which catalog/multichannel marketers have been on the fast track. It tracks those that have rented out their housefiles in the past two years. There may be others out there, but without the numbers for the market to view, they canโ€™t be charted. Companies highlighted in red are either B-to-B or hybrids.

Rethinking Those Silos
March 1, 2009

Certainly youโ€™ve heard this before: The experts strongly urge you to โ€œbreak down those silosโ€ in your organization. But Iโ€™m now wondering whether thatโ€™s such a hot idea after all.

Special Report: Operations & Fulfillment
March 1, 2009

For this very special report, we chose what we believe to be the three most crucial and timely and important topics in operations and fulfillment for multichannel merchants today.