
6 Online Retail Trends
July 6, 2010

1. Online retail growth in the context of overall retail and Online sales today far outperform retail stores, and they continue to be a bright spot in the industry and a growth driver in retail overall. But retailers should also think about the web's impact on offline sales. "Looking at the impact the web has on offline sales makes you think about things differently, and makes you think about the fact that online sales are just the tip of the iceberg," Silverman said.

Child's Play
July 1, 2010

Ali Wing has a lot to smile about. giggle, was founded in 2003 with a website and concept store in the city's SoHo district. Since then, the founder and CEO of this cross-channel retailer of baby products, gifts and informational resources for new parents has seen it grow to include 11 brick-and-mortar stores throughout the U.S., a sophisticated transactional website, a series of print catalogs and a growing line of baby products called giggle Better Basics

Email Significant Driver of Multichannel Activity, Survey Finds
June 30, 2010

The Global E-mail Attitudes Survey of 13,000 consumers in 13 countries across the Americas, Europe and Asia Pacific reveals that emailโ€™s influence over multichannel purchasing is powerful, with the majority of consumers (58 percent) having been driven to make a purchase in a store or over the phone by a marketing email. And while websites are the preferred place for consumers to opt-in, they are also very willing to subscribe to email messages offline, for example, when placing a catalog order (46 percent), at the point of sale (29 percent) or via SMS text message (13 percent).

Study Finds Bright Future for In-Store Mobile Marketing
June 30, 2010

Mobile shopping from in-store is just beginning to achieve its promise. Most shoppers are not yet accustomed to turning on and logging in to a retailerโ€™s mobile app when they enter one of its stores. Likewise, retailers are just starting to launch mobile commerce offerings, let alone offer capabilities targeted to in-store shoppers.

Integrating Social Media and Email Grows in Importance for Marketers
June 24, 2010

Combining the forces of social media with email marketing has been under way for some time, with savvy marketers using the two channels to complement each other rather than compete. As companies gain experience in the area, their choice of tactics may change. A survey of small businesses by email marketing company AWeber found the most common tactics implemented last year were tweeting email newsletters and sending out blog entries to email lists. Fewer than four in 10 small businesses were engaging in those activities, and only about one-quarter had email sign-up forms on their social profiles or links within email messages to follow them on social sites.

Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Integrate Online
June 18, 2010

Welcome to Online Retailing 2.0. Traditional brick-and-mortar retailers once outsourced their online sales to specialty "fulfillment" companies. Today they are running their own online operations โ€” and increasingly challenging their executive brainpower to find more sophisticated ways to compete with online-only retailers such as

Direct Mail Response Rates Hold Steady, Finds Report
June 16, 2010

The Direct Marketing Association today released the 2010 Response Rate Trend Report, which provides key cost and performance benchmarks to help marketers gauge the efficiency of their campaigns. The updated report shows effective paid search campaigns usually lead to a multistep sales process.

How the Big Boys Chase Innovation
June 8, 2010

On day two of the Retail Marketing Conference in Orlando, Fla., last month, a panel of executives from Best Buy, Dell and took part in a roundtable discussion on how their businesses have evolved their brand, e-commerce and marketing strategies to differentiate themselves from their competition through innovation.

5 Reasons Why Catalogers Struggle Selling Online
June 8, 2010

In a session he led at the refocused Retail Marketing Conference in Orlando, Fla., Bill LaPierre, senior vice president of direct marketing and list firm Direct Media/Millard, discussed why traditional catalog marketers have encountered difficulty transitioning into online merchants. A recap of LaPierre's session follows, along with five pitfalls to avoid when shifting from a catalog-centric business to an online-driven operation.