
Product Video Production Tips for Retailers
February 10, 2012

If you're a retailer, it's a no-brainer to be doing videos of the products you want consumers to buy. Many businesses today recognize that product videos are a great way to get online visibility in search engines and social media outlets, as well as engage with consumers on a level that static photos and text can't.

HMV Outlines Multichannel Strategy
February 9, 2012

HMV is planning a raft of digital marketing and service initiatives as it looks to position itself as a dynamic multichannel retailer. Offering digital versions of physical products at the point of sale, a click-and-collect service, and in-store wi-fi will be introduced to improve the customer experience. A raft of mobile apps and better online integration of its PureHMV loyalty program will also launch this year.

A How-to-Do-Everything-Great-in-2012 Guide for Cross-Channel Retailers
February 1, 2012

Happy New Year! Itโ€™s hard to believe, but 2012 is here and in full swing. Hopefully you had a busy and productive holiday season and are now ready to jump into 2012 no-holds-barred. Before you get started, however, make sure to check out this guide. Weโ€™ve assembled a top-notch group of cross-channel retail experts to offer you their best advice for the year ahead. W

Territory Ahead Introduces New Spring Look for Catalog, Website
January 26, 2012

Multichannel clothing retailer Territory Ahead is inviting consumers to take a closer look at its new spring catalog and website. As part of an extensive brand-building effort, the company has revamped its presentation to showcase product colors, textures and details more closely and clearly than ever before.

How to Enhance Your Brand With Personalized Video
January 24, 2012

In 2012, marketers will turn to online personalized video to stand out among their competitors and provide each consumer with a unique, interactive online shopping experience. As marketers explore the opportunities with video personalization, itโ€™s important to understand the basics.

Consumers Shop Retail Rivals While In-Store
January 20, 2012

Itโ€™s every retailerโ€™s worst fear โ€” a consumer visits your store to buy a new flat-screen TV, consults their smartphone or tablet for a little pre-purchase price comparison to find a cheaper alternative at a nearby competitor.

A Look Back at Cross-Channel Retail in 2011
January 10, 2012

It seems fitting to reflect on a year of significant change in the multichannel world, one that saw multichannel mature and take prime position on board-level agendas globally. What key changes have occurred?