
5 Direct Marketing Retargeting Best Practices to Boost Conversion
July 26, 2013

The most profitable retargeting efforts focus on consumers who have either viewed products but haven't yet made a purchase or who did make a purchase and are likely to buy another related product. In either case, the overall strategy is to attract the consumer at the right time for the right cost. Once identified as suitable to receive a retargeting message, there are five concepts that must be employed to achieve success:

Why Showrooming Isn't Such a Bad Thing
July 11, 2013

In advance of next Thursday's Retail Marketing Virtual Conference & Expo, I took the opportunity to interview one of the show's speakers, Richard Sexton, the founder and president of Carolina Rustica, an omnichannel retailer of high-end furniture and lighting. (Richard is also a member of Retail Online Integration's Editorial Advisory Board.) Richard will be hosting the "Showrooming: Your Secret Weapon for In-Store Sales" session. Here's a sneak peek into some of the issues that Richard will be addressing during the half-hour session:

Retail by Appointment
July 1, 2013

I'm here to see the doc, um, I mean the retailer. How many times in your life have you heard that phrase uttered? Exactly, zero. But that may be changing if AT&T's latest innovation proves successful and goes mainstream.

Chains Pay Lip Service to Omnichannel Retailing, But Macy's, Urban Outfitters, Sephora Are Leading the Charge
June 24, 2013

After years of beefing up their e-commerce engines, traditional merchants are now waking up to omnichannel retailing, recognizing that the meat and potatoes of their business is still their existing fleet of physical stores. They're creating ways to bridge the gap between the virtual and in-store experience, introducing purchasing paradigms that are nudging consumers to upend the way they've shopped since time immemorial.

What โ€˜Webroomingโ€™ Means for Retailers
June 20, 2013

Webrooming is the practice of researching products online before going to a brick-and-mortar store for a final evaluation and purchase. For retailers, webrooming presents opportunities to provide shoppers with information they expect to receive online (e.g., product information, pricing, peer reviews, etc.), while maintaining control over the customer journey by showcasing the physical store experience as the consumer's final destination.

5 Steps Toward Omnichannel Success
June 12, 2013

โ€œOmnichannelโ€ is one of the hottest buzzwords in the retail industry. Yet while everyone is talking omnichannel, relatively few brands

A Framework for Driving Omnichannel Loyalty
June 12, 2013

Talking about omnichannel is very fashionable for retailers nowadays. At a high level, the concepts behind providing great customer experience across channels are easy to understand. However, those in the business know that executing on a great omnichannel strategy is pretty challenging. Omnichannel retailers are acutely aware of three key trends that are heavily influencing the industry today:

Game On, Amazon! eBay Rolls Out One-Hour Delivery
May 9, 2013

Picture this anxiety-provoking scenario: you're at an all-day conference, sweating bullets as you prep for a presentation in an hour's time. But you packed in haste and left your laptop charger at home. Your battery capacity is perilously close to zero. You don't have time to dash to Best Buy and you wouldn't dare ask a fellow presenter for a favor lest you show your hand. eBay knows its customers (including you, the disheveled executive) and has been quietly working on a solution for this thoroughly modern conundrum. The eBay Now app allows

Secret Shopper Study Gauges Cross-Channel Readiness
May 8, 2013

CrossView Inc., a provider of e-commerce solutions and services, yesterday released the results of its 2013 Cross-Channel Readiness study. Out of a possible 295 points, the 80 retailers studied averaged a score of