
What Omnichannel Retailers Need to Know When Choosing an OMS
September 1, 2013

An order management system is a critical resource for omnichannel retailers who sell merchandise that they ship from either their own warehouse or via a third-party service bureau or logistics provider. To take full advantage of all their benefits, however, you need to make a strategic decision about which OMS is right for your organization. Here are some tips to help with that process. 

20-Plus Things to Watch in Retail, Part 2
August 30, 2013

In the final part of this two-part series on the โ€œ20-Plus Things to Watch in Retailโ€ section of JWTโ€™s Retail Rebooted report, I discuss

Panel of Retailers Talk Attribution at eTail
August 16, 2013

For brands selling and marketing to consumers in multiple channels simultaneously, attributing orders to the marketing channel responsible for generating a purchase is a problem that's been vexing retailers for years. In a session at this week's eTail East conference in Philadelphia, a panel of retailers (and one vendor) discussed how their companies handle the troublesome task of order attribution.

6 Tips for Retail Technology Implementations
August 14, 2013

In a keynote session at the eTail East conference in Philadelphia, Tripp Sessions, the former chief information officer at Benchmark Brands, the parent company of FootSmart, a cross-channel retailer of shoes, socks and foot care products, laid out his tips on how companies can seamlessly and effectively roll out a new technology implementation. Sessions was recruited to lead the turnaround of the information technology and e-commerce operations teams at Benchmark Brands. Here's a recap of Sessions' tips:

5 Keys for Creating an Effective Demand Chain
August 12, 2013

Consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies, retailers and their business partners often tout the ways they put customers at the center of their strategies. But while many companies do a good job of understanding their customers, many fail to maximize demand because they don't adequately coordinate across marketing, sales and innovation functions.

Do You Really Understand What Omnichannel Means?
August 7, 2013

Omnichannel is the buzzword du jour in retailing. From large chains to midsize independents, brands across the retail industry are eager to leverage new digital opportunities as drivers of increased revenues and market expansion. But while many retailers are talking about omnichannel opportunities, a much smaller number understand what omnichannel really means.

Using Retargeting to Get the Most Out of Your Ad Dollars
August 2, 2013

We live in a day and age when browsing the web is no longer an anonymous activity. In addition to all of the "+1's" and "Likes" we leave in our digital wake, we're also the recipients of retargeting (or remarketing) advertisements and emails. We've all experienced retargeting by now.

A Chat With Beth Guastella, giggleโ€™s New President and COO, Part 1
July 30, 2013

I had the opportunity to chat recently with Beth Guastella, the recently named president and chief operating officer of giggle, an omnichannel specialty retailer of upscale baby products and resources. In part one of this two-part blog post, we discuss what attracted Guastella to giggle; what specialty retail is; and how giggleโ€™s catalog business works.