Mobile Commerce

Grainger Moves Fast on Mobile
May 1, 2012

Grainger CEO Jim Ryan introduced a new mobile website to make online ordering from the company's catalog of 900,000 products even easier and faster. The mobile platform allows consumers to access all of the features of the website via Android, iPhone or BlackBerry mobile device.

iPads Drive 90% of March Mobile Revenue
April 16, 2012

Not only does the iPad dominate the tablet market, but a new study claims that 90 percent of all mobile revenue last month was generated from Apple's popular device. Personalization vendor RichRelevance studied 75 retail sites and found that 68 percent of mobile shoppers who accessed retail websites used iPads to do so. iPad users were more likely to buy something when they got there, too. Conversion rates with the iPad were 1.5 percent, nearly triple the 0.57 percent rate for other mobile devices. Shoppers who used iPads averaged $52.66 per item, while other mobile users spent $23.80.

4 Ways to Optimize Your Website for Tablets
April 4, 2012

The New York Times recently reported that during the past holiday season tablets became popular tools for online shopping, with 75 percent of web shoppers making a purchase on their tablet. With the recent release of Appleโ€™s newest iPad, itโ€™s clear that โ€œcouch commerceโ€ has arrived. To help consumers find their way around your tablet storefront, follow the four tips below to remove navigational and search barriers that can prevent them from fast, easy browsing and shopping.

Online Retailer Opens Virtual Pop-Up
April 3, 2012, the largest health, baby and beauty e-commerce retailer in Canada, has opened the first QR code โ€œvirtual storeโ€ in North America, in Toronto. The temporary space is open from April 2 to April 30. โ€œAt our mission is to break down barriers to online shopping," said Ali Asaria, founder and CEO of "We've mashed together our love of smartphones, the convenience of e-commerce and free shipping to do something no other retailer delivers.โ€ To participate in the virtual shopping experience, consumers begin by downloading the app, available for iPhone, Android, Blackberry or Windows Phone.

How the โ€˜New iPadโ€™ Will Drive Better Online Shopping Experiences
April 3, 2012

With mobile commerce sales expected to reach $10 billion in 2012, retailers are scrambling to identify new strategies to capture their share of the marketplace. The latest version of the iPad will play a role in the growth of mobile and e-commerce in 2012, but to reap maximum benefits retailers will need to understand the new iPadโ€™s key features and how to leverage those features for bottom-line results.

PayPal Here Turns Phones Into Credit Card Readers
March 30, 2012

You're likely familiar with PayPal as an online payment system. The company's logos are frequently found on eBay pages or on other websites. Click it and you can pay big or small retailers online via credit card or checking account.

State of the Social Universe: What Marketers Should Keep in Mind, from 4 Experts Who Can Help You Reach for the Stars
March 21, 2012

State of the Social Universe: What Marketers Should Keep in Mind, from 4 Experts Who Can Help You Reach for the Stars

They shared their insights on where things are now, what trends are emerging, what marketers need to emphasize, and how they can make the most of it all. Sections include:

1) Drive the Mobile Vehicle Smartly, and Honor Your Email Opt-In Relationships
- Sara Meaney President, Strategy & Growth, Hanson Dodge Creative

2) It's About Location, Location, Location: Know Where Your Customer Is
- Asif Khan Founder and president of the Location Based Marketing Association

3) On the Rise: Social Intelligence
- Doug Camplejohn CEO of Fliptop

4) Start - and End - with Your Content
- Ann Handley Chief content officer for MarketingProfs

Get Your Mocial Mojo Working: Effectively Integrating Email, Social, Mobile and Local
March 21, 2012

The way we communicate is moving-literally. Smart phones are outselling PCs, and tablet sales are expected to outpace desktop sales by 2013. But although the screens may be smaller, the possibilities for engagement are larger than ever.

You'll find the following covered in this handy whitepaper:

- What Does Mocial Mean for Marketers?
- Determining Your Mocial Strategy and Goals
- Growing Your Email Database Through Social and Mobile
- Making Email More Social
- Extending the Reach of Social and Mobile
- Deploying Integrated Programs Across Email, Social and Mobile