Mobile Commerce

4 Best Practices for Creating Winning Mobile Experiences
March 25, 2015

Ready or not, every consumer-facing company today needs to be mobile. Having a mobile presence is not enough, however. Brands need to have a presence on mobile. The most successful marketers are those who understand how to design and package mobile content in a way that enhances usability. Given limitations in screen size, bandwidth and users' attention spans, mobile marketers have to balance form and function to help users achieve their goals with as little friction in the process as possible. Below are four best practices for a winning mobile experience:

Ikea Exec: Selling Via Instagram Creates Personalized User Experience
March 18, 2015

At the 2015 Mobile Marketing Association Forum in New York, Victor Bayata, head of mobile solutions at Ikea, revealed that focusing locally and selling through Instagram are key to the retailer's mobile strategy. During the "Why Does Major Big-Box Marketer IKEA Need an App?" session, Bayata explained that the furniture retailer focuses on what's important for each demographic on a local level but also keeps in mind that anything mobile is instantly on a global level. This was displayed when the United States division of Ikea sold merchandise through its Instagram page.

Google to Penalize Sites That Aren't Mobile Friendly
March 16, 2015

The ongoing rise in searching and shopping from mobile devices has gained plenty of attention and has resulted in changes ranging to how stores display on small screens to various competing payment methods vying to be the choice of mobile shoppers. But the biggest name in search may be the most influential driver of change. Starting April 21, Google will give mobile-friendly sites a boost in search rankings.

4 Ways to Improve Mobile Commerce Performance in 2015
March 12, 2015

Here are four ways that retailers can boost m-commerce sales in 2015. Improve your users' mobile shopping experiences by doing the following: Put a premium on speed. If you think people want a fast user experience on their desktop, mobile takes it to another level. Consumers won't tolerate a slow-loading mobile shopping experience. Therefore, if your mobile pages take longer than three seconds to load after five runs, you must improve it. Mobile page loading times can be improved through the site's architecture, optimizing resources and using a content delivery network.

4 Best Practices for Mobile Video Success
March 6, 2015

Video is no longer a "nice to have" feature in e-commerce. Its ability to engage shoppers and increase conversion rates and revenues make it a necessary tool in any retail marketer's arsenal. Given the rising influence of video on e-commerce, particularly with the increasing use of mobile devices, retailers need to take mobile into account when it comes to their video programs. Following are best practices retailers can adopt to help drive success with mobile video:

How Device Obsession Will Help Mobile Commerce Thrive in 2015
February 20, 2015

Currently, 1.75 billion people in the world own a smartphone. And for the first time in history, commerce on mobile devices has surpassed online shopping via desktop. If the proliferation of app purchases for mobile devices is any indication (e.g., Apple's New Year's week record-breaking $500 million in sales), 2015 is going to be the year for businesses to capitalize on mobile commerce. Here are three tips on how to stay up to speed and capitalize on the mobile opportunity: