
CEOsโ€™ Outlook is Worst in Seven Years
January 22, 2008

Much like the economic state of mind of many consumers today, CEOs polled in a recent survey said they donโ€™t have very much confidence in the state of the economy. Such was the finding of The Conference Boardโ€™s Measure of CEO Confidence survey for the fourth quarter of 2007. With a measure of 39, the confidence of chief executives reached a seven-year low (a reading of more than 50 points represents more positive than negative responses). The last time the measure fell below 40 was in the fourth quarter of 2000, when it stood at 31. Here are some more findings of the report:

Five Ways to Bring Your Catalog/Multichannel Business in Tune With 2008
January 18, 2008

Thereโ€™s that old Bob Dylan song about times a-changinโ€™ that I wonโ€™t bother to quote further. But it seems to hold true moreso year after year, and 2008 is no exception. So while some of us continue to exchange โ€œhappy new yearโ€ greetings with one another, Iโ€™ll send along one last new yearโ€™s greeting with what I believe to be the top five actions you should act on, examine or just ponder to bring your catalog/multichannel business in sync with the times. 1. Get your matchback system working smoothly at once. Assign someone in either your marketing or operations departments to do nothing

Show Me the Numbers; Better Yet, Iโ€™ll Show You
January 11, 2008

Over the past few months, we at Catalog Success have been hard at work to further develop a hefty well of research data for our readers. In October we launched the Catalog Success Latest Trends Report, a quarterly series of original benchmarking research weโ€™ve been conducting with the multichannel ad agency Ovation Marketing. In the coming months, weโ€™ll also be running a series of mail volume charts provided by several catalog co-op databases. Like the Latest Trends surveys, these will run in the IndustryEye section of our print magazine. And for the past year or so, weโ€™ve been running a regular reader poll.

Profile of Success: Mission Accomplished
January 1, 2008

HOW DID YOU BREAK INTO THE CATALOG BUSINESS: With a thorough knowledge of computers. A former middle-school science teacher, Ann Killeen was introduced by a friend to Jerry Machado, who was then founding the Storybook Heirlooms catalog (now closed). In discussing working together, the two came to an understanding: โ€œI said to Jerry, โ€˜I like computers,โ€™ and he said, โ€˜OK, youโ€™ll be the director of IT.โ€™โ€ Eight years later, after helping Storybook Heirlooms grow from a start-up company to a $30-million operation, Killeen had become fully immersed in the catalog business. She moved on to other catalogers, including Tzabaco, Boudin Bakery, Real Goods and

The 2nd Catalog Success (Now All About ROI) Latest Trends Report on Key Issues (January 2008)
January 1, 2008

We bring you our exclusive new Catalog Success Latest Trends Report, the second quarterly joint venture with multichannel ad agency Ovation Marketing. This one focuses on the key issues in the catalog/multichannel business. As with our inaugural report last October, this survey contains a statistical analysis of a questionnaire we sent to the Catalog Success e-mail list in November. The responses came from 80 B-to-C and 45 B-to-B catalogers. You can click on the separate B-to-C and B-to-B charts below, as well as the cumulative chart. Some percentages donโ€™t quite add up to 100, due to rounding.

Nexus: A Four-Point Refresher
January 1, 2008

Tax-savvy multichannel marketers know โ€œnexusโ€ isnโ€™t a new hair product or a high-priced automobile. The term โ€œnexusโ€ (derived from a Latin word meaning โ€œto connectโ€) refers to the amount of contact an out-of-state retailer must have with a state before that seller is legally obligated to collect sales tax from customers. The Supreme Courtโ€™s landmark Quill v. North Dakota decision in 1992 made clear that, under the Commerce Clause of the Constitution, the nexus standard requires an in-state physical presence on the part of the retailer. In other words, mail order sales alone will not subject a remote seller to sales or use-tax collection

Curve Your Enthusiasm
January 1, 2008

The management of catalog businesses large and small depends on order curves. Yet order curves are affected by several different factors โ€” mail delivery, the weather, time of year, etc. โ€” all of which affect delivery times. This month, I want to touch on the factors that affect these curves, because your actions have the most influence over how soon orders start flowing after the initial mail date and when order levels will peak. Typically, orders start flowing in seven to 10 days after the initial mail date based on a normal five-day mail distribution pattern. If the initial mail date is

Back in the Dough
January 1, 2008

The exterior view portrayed a strong, stable company โ€” a well-oiled machine churning along toward future profits and continued success. The interior showed an entirely different story โ€” a company crumbling just like one of its cookies. Mrs. Fieldsโ€™ early success actually led to the downturn of its catalog direct/online unit. With that early success and rapid growth, Mrs. Fields didnโ€™t invest properly in the infrastructure (marketing database, systems, tracking) of the direct division, says Greg Berglund, president of Salt Lake City-based Mrs. Fields Gifts. Whatโ€™s more, the company failed to keep product offerings fresh and relevant, especially the refreshing of photography and item

Editorโ€™s Take: Tracking the Most Telling Multichannel Trends
January 1, 2008

In the IndustryEye section of this issue on pgs. 12-13, youโ€™ll find our second quarterly Catalog Success Latest Trends Report, a benchmarking survey we conducted in late November in partnership with the multichannel ad agency Ovation Marketing. This one focuses on key catalog/multichannel issues, and weโ€™ve included most of the charts there, so I encourage you to take a look. Youโ€™ll be able to find some charts only on our Web site due to magazine space limitations. We also didnโ€™t have the space to include the numerous comments that you โ€” our readers and survey respondents โ€” wrote in response to two of the questions.