
E-mail Marketing: Seven Ways to Get Whitelisted
October 30, 2007

As Internet service providers (ISPs) try to shield their customers from unwanted messages, oftentimes permission-based e-mail marketers are caught in the crosshairs. E-mail delivery firm Pivotal Veracity reports that one out of every five permission messages is filtered mistakenly as spam. Therefore, reaching the so-called โ€œpromise landโ€ in the form of ISPsโ€™ โ€œwhitelistsโ€ is the destination for all multichannel marketers. Whitelists are designated lists of trusted senders. Getting on whitelists greatly improves the chances your message will get delivered. E-mail strategy, solutions and services provider Silverpop recently published the whitepaper, Unlocking the Secret World of Whitelist: Insight for Enterprise E-mail Marketers, to help

E-mail Marketing: More Than a Formality; Tips to Transactional Success
October 9, 2007

Making your transactional e-mail more than a simple purchase receipt or shipping order was the dominant theme of StrongMailโ€™s recent Webinar, โ€œNew Trends in Transactional E-mail.โ€ Presenters Ivan Chalif, senior product manager at StrongMail Systems, an e-mail software delivery, tracking and management firm; Kevin Flaherty, vice president of marketing for Wetpaint, a supplier that powers wikis, blogs, forums and social networks; and Kimberly Bower, Wetpaintโ€™s e-mail marketing manager, discussed how to take advantage of every transactional e-mail, a key moment when consumers are most engaged. The panel provided the audience with several tips to make the most of transactional e-mails. First, Bower

Maximize Your Web Tools
October 1, 2007

Good news for American multichannel marketers: The growth rate of the Internet continues to make Chinaโ€™s economic expansion seem paltry. After all, China is only growing at a measly 11 percent! But thereโ€™s bad news, too: 10 years of uninterrupted, 20-plus percent growth has encouraged software companies to produce a seemingly never-ending flood, or plague, of new site features. Who has the time, energy, money or development staff to try all these new site features? So how do you know which one(s) to work on? And how do you make sure you get the most out of the ones you do invest in?

The 1st Catalog Success (Now All About ROI) Latest Trends Report on Multichannel Mailing & Marketing Practices (October 2007)
October 1, 2007

Welcome to our groundbreaking benchmark survey on catalog/multichannel mailing and marketing practices! This is a joint venture with multichannel ad agency Ovation Marketing, and the first in what will be an ongoing, quarterly series of surveys covering different aspects of the catalog/multichannel business. The survey contains a statistical analysis of a questionnaire we sent to the entire Catalog Success e-mail list in late August. The first two questions screened out any noncatalog decision makers. That left us with completed surveys from 175 catalogers โ€” 97 consumer, 78 B-to-B. Click on any or all of the sets of responses under โ€œRelated Content,โ€ to the right.

Avoid the Delete Key
October 1, 2007

Assume youโ€™ve done a great job at growing your e-mail list. Youโ€™re beating industry averages, and the annual net growth of your file โ€” after removing bounces and opt-outs โ€” is 50 percent. Youโ€™re happy! Your boss is happy! Ah, but thatโ€™s only part of the formula for e-mail success. An indifferent audience is the death knell for catalog marketers. You want an active and involved audience. There are many bad practices that can harm your programs. If you make one misstep, your customers and prospects may give you the benefit of the doubt. If you make several, however, youโ€™ll lose them. And, you have just

The Dreaded Red X
October 1, 2007

Image suppression is a fact of life today. The Email Experience Council not long ago conducted a study of 1,000 business and consumer e-mails during the past year. It found 21 percent of the e-mails reviewed appeared completely blank when images were turned off or stripped inside a variety of e-mail clients. Include readable text in your e-mails that supports any products or promotions featured. Include a link to the HTML version of your e-mails at the top of your message. Tip the odds of success in your favor and create a great experience for your recipients. Donโ€™t run the risk of customers immediately

Six Low-cost โ€˜E-waysโ€™ to Meet or Beat Your 2007 Plan By Yearโ€™s End
September 25, 2007

The last I checked our last reader poll asking catalogers whether their sales were meeting, beating or missing projections, it looked somewhat encouraging. When asked if at this point of the year multichannel marketers were on plan with original forecasts for the year, 59 percent of our readers said they were either on plan or ahead. Even better news showed that none of you were missing its numbers badly.
There are still 41 percent of you, however, who are slightly below plan, so letโ€™s see what we can do to move those numbers up by the end of the year. Here are six tips