
The 2nd Catalog Success (Now All About ROI) Latest Trends Report on Key Issues (January 2008)
January 1, 2008

We bring you our exclusive new Catalog Success Latest Trends Report, the second quarterly joint venture with multichannel ad agency Ovation Marketing. This one focuses on the key issues in the catalog/multichannel business. As with our inaugural report last October, this survey contains a statistical analysis of a questionnaire we sent to the Catalog Success e-mail list in November. The responses came from 80 B-to-C and 45 B-to-B catalogers. You can click on the separate B-to-C and B-to-B charts below, as well as the cumulative chart. Some percentages donโ€™t quite add up to 100, due to rounding.

Editorโ€™s Take: Tracking the Most Telling Multichannel Trends
January 1, 2008

In the IndustryEye section of this issue on pgs. 12-13, youโ€™ll find our second quarterly Catalog Success Latest Trends Report, a benchmarking survey we conducted in late November in partnership with the multichannel ad agency Ovation Marketing. This one focuses on key catalog/multichannel issues, and weโ€™ve included most of the charts there, so I encourage you to take a look. Youโ€™ll be able to find some charts only on our Web site due to magazine space limitations. We also didnโ€™t have the space to include the numerous comments that you โ€” our readers and survey respondents โ€” wrote in response to two of the questions.

Five Ways to Centralize and Test All E-mail Programs
December 11, 2007

With a recent Strongmail/JupiterResearch survey reporting that 93 percent of all companies now deploy some type of e-mail marketing solution, the need to separate your messages from the clutter of consumersโ€™ inboxes has never been greater. If you donโ€™t already, nowโ€™s the time to centralize your e-mail campaigns. This is where you set rules to maintain message frequency, analyze subscriber behavior and coordinate a single e-mail initiative across all channels and business units. Without it, consumers will continue to be bombarded with marketing e-mails, thus undermining the relevance of each message. In a recent whitepaper from JupiterResearch, The Maturation of E-mail: Controlling Messaging

How to Avoid the Dreaded โ€˜Deleteโ€™ Key
December 4, 2007

Each morning as I open my e-mail, I sit with my index finger perched on the delete key. I suspect Iโ€™m like many others. Todayโ€™s e-mail environment has trained us all to be โ€œvicious deleting machines.โ€ We scan every sender and subject line looking for someone we recognize or something of value, and if we donโ€™t find it ... zap, itโ€™s gone. How long do we take to scan and delete what we donโ€™t recognize? I take about one second, maybe less. It helps that I get lots of training each morning โ€” Iโ€™m relentless. The volume of unwanted e-mails is now so high

Why Not a Catalogersโ€™ Black Friday? (Or, How I Developed a Major Inferiority Complex on Your Behalf)
November 30, 2007

Did anybody else get an inferiority complex over the Thanksgiving weekend? Iโ€™m referring to the hoopla that surrounded Black Friday on Nov. 23. Like just about anything else in America, Black Friday gets bigger every year, and this year really went over the top. It got me thinking about the future: Does this โ€œholidayโ€ have to be a retail-only one? I certainly read enough about it. I saw plenty of TV news clips of those crazy, sleep-deprived shoppers lining up outside the stores in the wee hours of that Friday morning. I sifted through enough Circuit City, Kohlโ€™s, Macyโ€™s and Wal-Mart circulars about their

Some Not-So-Obvious Ways to Get Through the Tough Holiday Season Ahead
November 16, 2007

Reading retail sales, housing sales and consumer confidence reports the past couple of weeks while watching the stock market sink, Iโ€™ve become quite worried about the outlook for the holiday season for catalog/multichannel marketers. Retailers collectively reported their worst October in 12 years, and a Conference Board report last week said consumer confidence dropped in early November to its lowest level since Hurricane Katrina triggered soaring oil prices two years ago. Meanwhile, recent reports from the National Association of Realtors showed sales of existing homes had plunged to their lowest level in nearly a decade. None of this bodes well for catalogers. So

Are You Asking for a Referral When Taking an Online Order?
November 6, 2007

When we make really good offers to customers or prospects and they buy, thatโ€™s the moment to ask for a referral. After all, they want their friends and business associates to get the same great offer they just got, right? Below is an example from www.photostamps.com, which has a great idea and offer. Please scroll down, click on the postage-stamp-size image and note how the marketer makes it so easy for me to give it a referral e-mail address or two. The only thing thatโ€™s missing is the ability for responders to upload their personal distribution list.
The better you make your

Turn One-time Buyers Into Multis
November 1, 2007

Catalogers spend loads of time and money acquiring one-time buyers. But thereโ€™s more you can do to get these individuals to purchase again. Typically, fewer than half of your first-time buyers make a second purchase. With the high cost of mailing catalogs today coupled with lower response rates, most catalog companies acquire new buyers at an incremental loss. Catalogers must be willing to make an investment in acquiring a new buyer to grow, knowing the payback will come sometime in the future. The amount of time to payback the investment โ€” normally one year โ€” can be reduced by developing a strategy to

Look Out!
November 1, 2007

Rather than the awe-inspiring equivalent of a moon landing as Microsoft had hoped, the rollout of Outlook 2007 instead has been greeted by the business community as a giant leap backward for e-marketing. Thatโ€™s because Outlook 2007 regularly mangles most higher end image- and animation-dependent marketing e-mails, due to Microsoftโ€™s decision to โ€œdumb downโ€ Outlookโ€™s design and image-rendering capabilities. โ€œMicrosoft has taken e-mail design back five years,โ€ says David Greiner, co-founder of Campaign Monitor, an e-mail tool provider. The problemโ€™s been further compounded by the rollout of Vista, Microsoftโ€™s new Windows operating system. It has forced consumers and businesses to adopt Outlook 2007 whether they want to

The 50 Best Tips
November 1, 2007

Say what you will about this wonderful trade we call the catalog/multichannel business, but whichever way you spin it, you canโ€™t go very far if youโ€™re unprofitable. Thatโ€™s why above all else โ€” the marketing, the merchandising, the creative, the e-commerce, etc. โ€” weโ€™re most interested in helping our readers make more money. So we bring you our annual binge of tactics and tips extracted from all of this yearโ€™s issues of Catalog Success, our weekly e-newsletter Idea Factory and our biweekly idea exchange e-newsletter, The Corner View. Our editorial staff went through every article weโ€™ve produced this year to give you a nice,