
Letโ€™s All Survive, Then Thrive
April 1, 2009

Like most, Iโ€™ve seen my family wealth shrink. Iโ€™ve seen friends and colleagues get laid off. Iโ€™ve seen the stock market continue to be eaten up by the bears. Iโ€™m seeing the catalog/multichannel business, as we know it, dwindle, while the overall retail business is in tatters. Iโ€™ve seen the size of our magazine diminish as the vendor community is hurting big-time. And Iโ€™ve seen some of our competitors all but disappear.

The 2009 Catalog Success 200
April 1, 2009

The Catalog Success 200 presents a keen way of showing which catalog/multichannel marketers have been on the fast track. It tracks those that have rented out their housefiles in the past two years. There may be others out there, but without the numbers for the market to view, they canโ€™t be charted. Companies highlighted in red are either B-to-B or hybrids.

When Mistakes Happen
January 1, 2009

A client recently called me in a panic. The company often personalizes its e-mails, but this time the send button got pushed too fast. Instead of the recipientsโ€™ first names being nicely displayed, the e-mail showed โ€œ[FIRST_NAME].โ€ This company prides itself on its e-mail program and customer relationships, and felt this would tarnish its image. That client decided to immediately send a second e-mail with an apology, which went out about three hours after the error occurred.

Tips to Building Successful E-Mail Lists, Part 3 of 3
December 16, 2008

As we wrap up our coverage of last month's All About eMail Virtual Conference & Expo, presented by eM+C magazine (sister publication of Catalog Success), this week we continue with Reggie Brady's โ€œ10 secrets to e-mail success,โ€ revealing secrets six through 10.

Tips to Building Successful E-Mail Lists, Part 2 of 3
December 9, 2008

Continuing our coverage of last month's All About eMail Virtual Conference & Expo, presented by eM+C magazine (sister publication of Catalog Success), this week we look at a presentation from Reggie Brady, president of Reggie Brady Marketing Solutions, a direct and e-mail marketing consultancy (and Catalog Success columnist).

How to Use E-Mail in a Down Market
November 18, 2008

Historically, many e-mail marketers have gotten by with poor metrics and suboptimal business practices because e-mail marketing was seen as a cheap communication channel where it was easy to make a profit. But in the current economic climate, every cost is under scrutiny. Are you simply looking at ways to lower costs or e-mail more people? Thatโ€™s exactly the wrong thing to be doing. Now is the time to act like a sharp businessperson and consolidate your own standing in the process. Focus on Real Business Metrics Smart businesspeople focus on profit and loss (P&L) and return on investment (ROI), not just cost. Clearly

E-Mail Volume Increases, Testing Lags Behind
November 4, 2008

The number of marketing e-mails being sent to consumers continues to increase, finds a recent survey. U.S. retailers and wholesalers will send 158 billion marketing e-mails this year, a number likely to grow 63 percent to 258 billion in 2013, Forrester Research predicts. But the increase in volume hasnโ€™t translated into an increased reliance on testing. According to Internet Retailerโ€™s survey of 174 Web-only retailers, chain retailers, catalogers and consumer brand manufacturers, conducted last month with e-mail marketing and survey firm Knowledge Marketing, 52.9 percent of respondents do not test their e-mail campaigns. Hereโ€™s a look at some more of the surveyโ€™s findings.

What Great E-Mails Do So Well โ€ฆ
November 1, 2008

This month, I thought Iโ€™d share some of my favorite e-mails and explain why theyโ€™re tops in my book. As you read them, think about how you might incorporate these tactics in your own e-mail programs. Orvis and Customer Reviews Many catalogers include customer product reviews on their sites. Itโ€™s a great way to take advantage of Web 2.0 by integrating customer content online. Plus, shoppers place great value on reviews in the shopping process โ€” this user-generated content should increase sales. If you have customer reviews on your site, make sure the members of your e-mail list are aware of this feature. Orvis

Strategy: Generate Extra Revenue While Leveraging Existing Overheard
November 1, 2008

Iโ€™ve always believed you put dollars in the bank, not percentages. For example, itโ€™s not the percent of net income thatโ€™s important, but the total dollars of profit achieved. To maximize dollars, manage the income statement by the ratios as a percentage of net sales โ€” the dollars will take care of themselves. This month, Iโ€™ll review the key ratios of a typical profit and loss (P&L) statement for a B-to-B and a B-to-C catalog company and discuss how these ratios are different today than just a few short years ago. If your companyโ€™s experience has been similar to others, sales are