
Podcast: Email Talk With DJ Waldow and Andrew Kordek
February 24, 2012

In eMarketing + Commerceโ€™s new (and FREE) podcast series Email Talk, email experts DJ Waldow, founder/CEO of Waldow Social, and Andrew Kordek, co-founder and chief strategist of Trendline Interactive will entertain you while at the same time offer insights, actionable tips and best practices around email marketing that you can take back to your desk!

Infographic: Retail Email Year-End Trends
January 16, 2012

Emailers have cranked up the volume. In 2011, promotional email volume once again reached an all-time high. After a year of tracking the activity of more than 100 of the top retailers, Responsys put together the highlights that will help define your 2012 email marketing strategy.

Bed Bath & Beyond Inducted Into the Subject Line Hall of Fame
January 11, 2012

Welcome to the Retail Email Blog's sixth annual inductions into the Subject Line Hall of Fame, which honors retailers whose subject lines stand out in the inbox because of their creativity and originality. A great subject line can mean the difference between an opened email and a deleted one. While mentioning a fantastic deal in a subject line can generate great open rates, you may not always have killer deals to tout.

5 Tips to Boost Your Email Marketing Results This Holiday Season
December 6, 2011

Retailers are focusing on giving shoppers what they want in an effort to turn browsers into buyers and ensure their brand stays top of mind this holiday season. More than 32 percent of consumers will shop online this holiday season, according to a study from the National Retail Federation. This reality makes email a perfect channel for delivering holiday messages. Here are five tactics to ensure your brand is at the top of consumersโ€™ lists this holiday season:

Knotice Releases Mobile Email Opens Report for First Half of 2011
December 2, 2011

Knotice, a provider of direct digital marketing software and services, announced the release of its Mobile Email Opens Report: First Half 2011, featuring valuable data on the percentage of email opens and click activity via mobile device across 11 industry segments, including retail, hospitality, telecommunications, health care and more.

Podcast: How Waterford Crystal Drives Holiday Sales Via Email Marketing
October 12, 2011

Listen in as Joe Schmidt, director of e-commerce for Waterford Wedgwood Royal Doulton (WWRD), and Heather Bonura, director of brand strategy at Listrak, discuss WWRD's successful 2010 holiday email marketing program as well as its plans for this year's holiday season.

Does Barnes & Noble Buying Borders' Email List for $14M Cross the Line?
October 7, 2011

The disconnect between how executives and consumer privacy advocates view email marketing was never more obvious than during the latest hijinks surrounding Barnes & Noble's acquisition of Borders' customer data, including email addresses. As part of the Borders bankruptcy proceedings, Barnes & Noble paid $13.9 million for Borders' intellectual property, including its 48-million customer database.

Privacy Questions Could Scuttle Barnes & Noble's Plan to Buy Borders
September 23, 2011

Starting in 2005, Borders began amassing a database of more than 48 million email addresses of customers who participated in its loyalty program. Now that the company is in bankruptcy, that email database is seen as valuable property by Barnes & Noble, which won an auction to purchase Bordersโ€™ assets for $13.9 million. The problem for Barnes & Noble is that Borders originally promised many of the customers in its loyalty program that it wouldn't disclose their personal information without their permission. Borders changed its policy in May 2008, but collected millions of email addresses and other data before then.

Birkenstock Central: How to Increase Email Sales via Lifecycle Management
September 9, 2011

In a session at the recent eTail conference in Boston, Jim Moore, president and CEO of The PSNE Group, parent company of online footwear retailer Birkenstock Central, discussed how his companyโ€™s email program has leveraged customer lifecycle management techniques to increase revenue from the channel. Moore focused on three specific areas of Birkenstock Centralโ€™s email program: acquisition, triggered messaging and re-engagement campaigns.