
Email Marketing is Meeting the Moment ... and Poised to Transform Again
February 21, 2022 at 3:24 pm

Email, the longtime workhouse yet sometimes unsung hero of the marketing department, enters 2022 stronger than ever โ€” both in terms of emerging advances in data and technology, as well as its relevance and utilization in the omnichannel tech stack. The sheer volume of the channel is staggering: across the globe, we sent and receivedโ€ฆ

The 'Buy it Now' Consumer is Here: Are You Prepared?
February 15, 2022 at 10:59 am

Consumer expectations and shopping habits are constantly evolving. How brands adapt to the constant evolution, from logistics and staffing to marketing strategy and tactics, ultimately determines whether they stay relevant in consumersโ€™ eyes and their business continues to grow. Weโ€™re witnessing another evolution in purchasing behavior, ushering in a new breed of consumers โ€” theโ€ฆ

Supercharge Your Customer Experiences: How to Act Faster, Work Smarter, and Drive Business Outcomes
January 31, 2022 at 10:59 am

We all know that weโ€™re living in a data-rich era. Never before have marketers had access to so much valuable customer information, but how effective are marketers at seamlessly integrating that data to deliver exceptional customer experiences and drive positive business outcomes? Simon Data recently partnered with ClickZ to gain deeper insights into the roleโ€ฆ

Email Acquisition is the New Directive in the Post-Cookie Era
January 3, 2022 at 11:50 am

For brands and retailers, email has always been important. Since the inception of e-commerce, email has remained the No. 1 conduit for one-to-one communication between companies and their customers. Over time, however, it has become easy for brands and retailers to take this communication channel for granted โ€” but the days of resting on laurelsโ€ฆ

Mitigating the Growing Cybersecurity Threat to Retailers
November 1, 2021 at 8:05 pm

The retail industry is facing numerous challenges stemming from the pandemic and its aftermath. From managing staffing and supply chain shortages to enforcing health safety precautions, retailers may be unintentionally ignoring another rising threat: cyber crime. Cyber threats are rising, with one report suggesting it could cost the world $10.5 trillion annually by 2025. Onโ€ฆ

Making the Most of Email and SMS Marketing for the 2021 Holiday Season
October 5, 2021 at 9:36 pm

Forward-thinking retailers are already looking to strengthen their marketing strategies for the holiday shopping season. It's never "too early" to prepare for the holiday sales rush. With intelligent techniques and a strategic approach, you can make this holiday season one to remember! This year, marketers are forced to refine their email marketing strategies to accountโ€ฆ

3 Ways Email Marketers Can Optimize Messages for Apple iOS 15
July 22, 2021 at 5:51 pm

In this episode of Retail Right Now, Total Retail's Melissa Campanelli and Kristina Stidham discuss an article recently published by Total Retail, โ€œThe Death of the Open Rate: How Email Marketers Can Prepare for iOS 15,โ€ authored by Greg Zakowicz, director of content at Omnisend. The article delves into the upcoming Apple iOS 15 featureโ€ฆ

The Death of the Open Rate: How Email Marketers Can Prepare for iOS 15
July 19, 2021 at 8:49 pm

Email marketers at e-commerce brands use traditional reporting data such as open, click, and conversion rates to measure email campaign performance. But what happens when you suddenly take away one of those long-established data points? Buckle up because weโ€™re about to find out. Appleโ€™s announcement of its upcoming iOS 15 update, which is expected thisโ€ฆ

Poorly Performing Email Creatives Might Not Be 'Bad' Content. Hereโ€™s Why
June 28, 2021 at 8:25 pm

Email teams can feel like theyโ€™re engaged in a constant trial-and-error process. It makes them reaction-based units rather than predictive. They send an email to customers, analyze its performance, rinse, and repeat, using the results to help them get better at sending the right content in the future. There are a few problems with thisโ€ฆ

Experiential or Promotional: How Most Brands Use Email Marketing Incorrectly
June 15, 2021 at 5:12 pm

Why do people prefer to travel to Paris instead of seeing the Eiffel Tower in pictures? Why were (and in some places, are) so many people eager to get back to live events like sports games and concerts during COVID restrictions? It comes down to experience. We might not be able to fully explain it,โ€ฆ