
Google to Target Shoppers Using Email Address Provided by Merchants
April 17, 2015

Online merchants have already proven they're willing to share the most precious of proprietary data with Google, even transactions, pricing and tracking data in the case of Google Trusted Stores. But are they willing to hand over shoppersโ€™ email addresses? Many people are familiar with ads that follow them around the internet, called retargeting or remarketing.

5 Email Marketing Tips to Boost Online Sales
April 2, 2015

Whether it's online sales for big-box chains, pure-play retailers or mom-and-pop stores, email marketing has become one of the most effective marketing tactics to reach targeted audiences and boost return on investment and revenue. In fact, email marketing accounts for 5 percent to 10 percent of all e-commerce transactions today. However, not every email is equally effective. Some require much more than just hitting the inbox. I've pulled together my favorite email marketing tips to help you compile a sophisticated email marketing strategy. These tips will help bring your company's future campaigns to the next level by increasing customer engagement and keeping sales up for good.

Welcome to the Off-Season ... Now Get to Work
March 27, 2015

If this time of year marks your off-season, then segmenting, testing and sharpening your email program now will give you plenty of time to try new approaches, take risks and learn what will resonate with subscribers during your busy time. If you're in your peak season, follow the same steps to use whatever down-cycle time you have to optimize your email marketing program and revenue for 2016.

Top 10 Email Marketing Must-Haves
March 12, 2015

In a session yesterday at the NEMOA directXchange Spring Conference in Boston, Anna Pfeiffer, a marketing strategist at marketing automation services provider Bronto Software, identified her top 10 must-have components for a successful email marketing program. Here they are:

5 Dos and Donโ€™ts for Weather-Related Emails
March 11, 2015

Were you prepared for the recent arctic blast? For West Coasters, what about those above-average temps? I'm not talking about whether you were ready to shovel your driveway or if you had a fully stocked beach bag waiting by the door, I'm talking about your ability to leverage these newsworthy weather events in the inbox.

A (Big) Piece of the Puzzle
March 1, 2015

Remember the days when all we had to worry about was one channel? Those days are long gone! Today, to succeed in our complex omnichannel world, you have to be in front of consumers at the right time, in the right place, with the right offer. Yes, it's a very complex world out there, but if you're up to the challenge it can pay great dividends.

Customer Retention Tactics From Landsโ€™ End, Home Depot, ProFlowers
February 23, 2015

Offer great customer service, make sure your messaging is personalized, and have a single view of the customer are some of the best ways to create brand loyalists. These were a few of the key takeaways from a panel discussion on customer retention that took place at the eTail West conference last week in Palm Desert, Calif.