
The Key to Motherโ€™s Day Marketing? Emotive Subject Lines
May 5, 2016 at 12:50 pm

Motherโ€™s Day is the perfect time to show appreciation for moms everywhere, whether itโ€™s with flowers, that piece of jewelry sheโ€™s been eying or a gift thatโ€™s completely unique. However, to capture a motherโ€™s heart, marketers must first gain the attention of gift-givers with messages that strike the right emotional cord. To find out whatโ€ฆ

Want Better Visibility Into Campaign Performance? Look at Read Rate
May 4, 2016 at 9:30 am

For email marketers in the retail industry, developing a strong relationship with your subscribers is critical to your companyโ€™s bottom line. Therefore, many marketers are making data-driven decisions to fuel their campaigns. One metric that can help you more accurately analyze your email program is read rate โ€” i.e., the percentage of subscribers who haveโ€ฆ

How to Lose Email Subscribers in 10 Days or Less
May 4, 2016 at 9:25 am

Email marketing in the retail industry is a lot like dating. Getting new leads is always exciting, but too often, retailers can become a bit overzealous and end up making some basic, yet fatal, mistakes. Your new email leads need and deserve nurturing from you, the retailer, in order to feel loved and wanted. Onceโ€ฆ

Top 10 Email Best Practices for Retailers
April 28, 2016 at 4:31 pm

Email marketing in the retail industry is a lot like dating. Getting new leads is always exciting, but too often, retailers can become a bit overzealous and end up making some basic, yet fatal, mistakes. Your new email leads need and deserve nurturing from you, the retailer, in order to feel loved and wanted. Once [โ€ฆ]

8 Ways to Woo Mobile Shoppers With Summertime Sales
April 22, 2016 at 10:10 am

Summer can be rough for retailers. The warm weather beckons us outside, far from any storefront. We donโ€™t quit shopping entirely, however. For retailers with a smart summer strategy, thereโ€™s money to be made. If your sales have been less sunny from Motherโ€™s Day through Labor Day, try these tips based on a recent surveyโ€ฆ

Glamour, Lane Bryant Making Clothing and Magazines Together
April 1, 2016 at 9:50 am

Call it a sponsored content bonanza. Glamour announced on Wednesday that it's entered into a multipronged partnership with Lane Bryant which will be laser-focused on courting the plus-size market and promoting a message of body positivity. The project includes two special editions of Glamour, one on newsstands now and the second to come in theโ€ฆ

Why Planning Your Email Campaign is Like Throwing a Party
March 31, 2016 at 8:28 am

Do your email subscribers want to come to your party? Hosting an event is a great way to build relationships while treating your friends and family to a good time. Everyone loves a great party, especially one thatโ€™s memorable, leaving guests in anticipation of the next invitation. This is the same way subscribers should feelโ€ฆ