
3 Trends Impacting Email: Persistent Fraud, Part 2
February 3, 2017 at 3:06 pm

In part one of this three-part series, I examined the evolving landscape of email deliverability, as mailbox providers strive to stay a step ahead of spammers with their filtering algorithms. In this second post on the trends that are affecting email deliverability, I'm going to examine another kind of cybercrime and its influence on email:…

Industry Insights for Successful Marketing in 2017
January 27, 2017 at 9:19 am

When it comes to marketing, having the ability to adapt to evolving technologies and test new strategies is critical to campaign success. As we begin a new year, conducting an audit of the tactics employed is a good way for marketers to determine which campaign areas to modify and how to guide future marketing initiatives.…

3 Trends Impacting Email: Deliverability is Evolving, Part 1
January 23, 2017 at 5:53 pm

Each January for years now, we read something from the digital marketing industry announcing that “Email is Dead!” Yet each year, email remains the stronghold of both return on investment ($38 for each dollar spent) and conversion (66 percent). Email is NOT dead, or dying, or ailing. Email is evolving. Some of this evolution is…

11 Tips to More Effective Welcome Emails
January 6, 2017 at 9:25 am

Remember the last time you entered a department store and were hailed with a warm greeting by a store associate? Certainly that created a positive influence on your feeling toward the store. The same is true in email marketing. Not only do welcome emails give you the opportunity to offer a warm handshake, but also…

Metrics to Watch this Holiday Season
December 14, 2016 at 11:54 am

The holiday season is in full swing. All the email campaigns you’ve spent the last weeks and months planning and proofing for are scheduled and starting to mail. The orders are (hopefully) stacking up and readying to ship. However, it’s not quite time to relax; this is the time to be vigilant. While consumers are…

4 Email Tips to Connect With Customers This Holiday Season
December 8, 2016 at 9:26 am

Parties, cheer and goodwill abound this month, but for online retailers, visions of sugarplums can quickly vanish in the face of navigating through the high-stress holiday sales season. With email marketing driving 25 percent of all online orders on Black Friday in 2015, brands can’t afford to skimp on implementing email marketing best practices. However,…

5 Ways to Optimize Holiday Email Campaigns 
November 11, 2016 at 8:00 am

With the holidays quickly approaching, retailers need to make sure they are optimizing their email campaigns. Emails continue to prove successful in getting clients to take action and drive revenue, but they need to be more personalized and relevant than ever before to make an impact. In order to help boost your email program performance, here are five strategies to consider incorporating into your holiday marketing campaigns.

Go Beyond Price: Be a Shopper’s Digital BFF 
November 8, 2016 at 8:00 am

Fifty-five percent of consumers start product searches by price checking on Amazon.com, according to a recent BloomReach survey. Fifty-five percent. This means the majority of shoppers are using price as the initial barometer for potential purchases, rather than a final deciding factor. As e-commerce has developed, it’s brought the convenience of online, on-demand comparison shopping. Large companies…

How Millennials Want Brands to Engage With Them
November 3, 2016 at 11:10 am

As millennials (those aged 17-34) get older, their spending power will increase. It’s projected that this generation will collectively spend more than $200 billion in 2017, and $10 trillion in their lifetimes. Because of this, it’s increasingly important for brands to engage with and understand millennials. And good news: millennial habits make it a bit easier…