
2018 Email Marketing Study: How 100 of the Top Retailers Engage Shoppers in the First 45 Days and Beyond
May 1, 2018 at 4:48 pm

Coherent Path evaluated 100 retailers from the Internet Retailer Top 500 list and acquired every email each of these retailers sent to email subscribers who have never purchased a product from July 2017 to December 2017. The company also purchased from each retailer and collected every email sent to them, as first-time buyers, for the first 45 days after the purchase was made from November 2017 to December 2017. Coherent Path then analyzed the communication tactics between a โ€œpurchaserโ€ email and a โ€œnon-purchaserโ€ email received during this time to determine how retailers interacted with the two audiences. The report also looks at how retailers are performing in other key areas such as email frequency, content and catalog exposure.

5 Customer Behaviors and What They Mean for Retailersโ€™ Email Programs
April 26, 2018 at 1:00 pm

Iโ€™ve received more than 30 retailer emails today alone โ€ฆ and itโ€™s not even lunch time. These emails range from basic blasts with varying degrees of relevance to me to more personalized abandoned cart reminders and follow-ups on items Iโ€™ve interacted with. It might seem that Iโ€™m reviewing these with a particularly critical eye, butโ€ฆ

Understanding Subscriber Engagement: Opens vs. Reads
April 23, 2018 at 2:35 pm

Over the last few years, weโ€™ve seen a shift in the email deliverability landscape. Major mailbox providers, like Gmail, have incorporated subscriber engagement factors into their filtering algorithms, making the sorting process much more dynamic (and challenging to navigate). While retailers have been closely watching subscriber engagement as a key success metric for many years,โ€ฆ

Email Opens or Reads: Which is Right?
April 5, 2018 at 2:49 pm

When measuring the success of email campaigns and overall performance health of email programs, opens and its various related metrics (open rate, click to open rate, etc.) are a common benchmark used by marketers. This metric is accepted as an accurate capture of views, as it tracks images rendered per message, counting the rate atโ€ฆ

The 3 Best Triggered Email Messages to Send
March 26, 2018 at 5:11 pm

Big data, hyperpersonalization and triggered messages have all gotten a lot of press over the last few years. It seems like everyone would be firmly seated on the one-to-one marketing bandwagon by now. However, the reality is that many marketers arenโ€™t able to leverage data to personalize campaigns. In a recent study by Yes Lifecycle Marketing,โ€ฆ

Starbucks Tests New Wi-Fi Sign-Up Process at U.S. Stores
March 26, 2018 at 3:17 pm

Starbucks is testing a new Wi-Fi login process in its U.S. stores, asking customers to provide their email address before connecting, Geekwire has reported. Since rolling out free Wi-Fi in its U.S. stores nearly eight years ago, Starbucks has asked customers to simply accept terms and conditions in order to connect to its public networkโ€ฆ

5 Tips for Building Better Loyalty Emails in 2018
February 20, 2018 at 11:38 am

Loyalty programs, if done properly, can transform customers into long-term fans of your business and boost revenues. Rewarding frequent shoppers with points, coupons and freebies is a great way to start. However, with so many loyalty programs out there, how do you make yours stand apart? The key is to deliver an amazing customer experienceโ€ฆ

Email Isnโ€™t Perfect, But it Gets Better Every Year (2018 Included)
February 14, 2018 at 8:45 am

The comedian Tracy Morgan once observed that we โ€œspend too much of our lives on email,โ€ and, as a result, he argued, โ€œweโ€™re losing our communication skills.โ€ Thatโ€™s hardly a novel claim, but when you consider the fact that we send 269 billion emails each day โ€” 35 emails for each person on Earth โ€” oneโ€ฆ

Subject Line Testing in 3 Easy Steps
February 13, 2018 at 9:10 am

Subject line testing is one of those things that's always on the โ€œto doโ€ list, but somehow seems hard to make happen. There are a thousand reasons why: lack of creativity to come up with variations, last-minute issues to resolve before the campaign goes out, uncertainty about how to split up the list โ€ฆ Subjectโ€ฆ