
Email Marketingโ€™s ROI: 3 Insights for Retailers
November 20, 2018 at 9:54 am

Email remains one of the most effective marketing channels, generating a 38-to-1 return on investment across all industries, according to Litmusโ€™ Email Marketing ROI: The Factors That Lead to Better Returns whitepaper. Companies in the retail and consumer goods and services industries generate email marketing ROIs nearly as high, getting 37 times their investment back.โ€ฆ

These Email Design Missteps Could Cost You Millions This Season
November 14, 2018 at 9:41 am

โ€™Tis the season for promotional emails. According to Adobe, in 2017, Cyber Monday alone accounted for $6.59 billion in sales, with roughly 25 percent of sales driven by email promotion. Despite last yearโ€™s impressive returns, consumers believe marketing emails from brands have plenty of room for improvement. An original study conducted by 250ok in partnershipโ€ฆ

Holiday Email Marketing Tips for Retailers
October 26, 2018 at 1:53 pm

In this episode of Retail Right Now, Total Retail's Caitlin Sullivan and Joe Keenan discuss offer email marketing tips retailers can implement for the holiday season, outlined in articles on the topic by Bonnie Malone and Greg Zakowicz.

How Predictive Marketing is Powered by Effective Segmentation
October 26, 2018 at 1:06 pm

In an industry with an abundance of product options, stiff competition and seemingly unlimited shopping accessibility, basic email tactics aren't enough to set your brand apart from the rest. This means retailers must do more than simply include customersโ€™ names in marketing emails. This point is evidenced by the fact that more than one in threeโ€ฆ

The Lifeblood of E-Commerce and How to Optimize it
October 22, 2018 at 9:39 am

Todayโ€™s commerce landscape is almost unrecognizable to that of the mallโ€™s heyday. Vacancy rates at regional and super regional malls in the U.S. have reached 8.6 percent, a high not seen since the third quarter of 2012. With malls the emptiest theyโ€™ve been in nearly six years, e-commerce is swooping in to fill the shoppingโ€ฆ

eCommerce Email Marketing: 11 Tips to Skyrocket Your Sales
October 19, 2018 at 9:45 am

Todayโ€™s commerce landscape is almost unrecognizable to that of the mallโ€™s heyday. Vacancy rates at regional and super regional malls in the U.S. have reached 8.6 percent, a high not seen since the third quarter of 2012. With malls the emptiest theyโ€™ve been in nearly six years, e-commerce is swooping in to fill the shopping [โ€ฆ]

3 Tips for Holiday Email on Black Friday and Cyber Monday
October 18, 2018 at 12:31 pm

In my last post, โ€œMerry Email Christmas in 3โ€ฆ 2โ€ฆ 1โ€ฆ,โ€ I reviewed several trends from the 2017 email season along with some macro retail influences. Notable trends affecting holiday e-commerce include the massive rise in email volume during November and December, as well as the impact of subscriber behavior on deliverability and, ultimately, holidayโ€ฆ

Tips to Improve the Performance of Your Holiday Emails, Part 2
October 17, 2018 at 12:09 pm

It's no secret that for most retailers, the holiday season is the biggest opportunity for growth of the year. As summarized in part one of this two-part series, the biggest driver of this growth is through email marketing. Part one of this series explains how to visually engage with subscribers, how to use promotions toโ€ฆ