
A 2019 Forecast for the CPG Industry
January 11, 2019 at 11:54 am

The start of a new year brings with it consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry trends, as well as the continuation of several 2018 developments. With e-commerce, we’ve started to see brands typically available exclusively online, like meal kit services, begin to move selectively into brick-and-mortar spaces or partner with established retailers to grow the reach…

Discover the New Problem Affecting E-Commerce Businesses … Even Amazon
January 11, 2019 at 11:10 am

As a retailer, there have probably been times when you notice an uptick in unexplained cart abandonments or a drop in online sales. While there are a number of factors that can lead to these issues, there's a relatively new problem that has flown under the radar for most retailers: malware-driven advertisements. These unauthorized ads…

The 4-Part Evolution of ‘Retail’
January 10, 2019 at 12:53 pm

Fifteen years ago, when Nike launched a shoe, every retailer received the same kit that included an end-cap, a pedestal, and a banner to market the shoe. Today, a shoe release is augmented by pre-seeded influencer kits, hyperlocal and immersive in-store experiences, and pop-up events that target social celebrities and fans. This example begs the…

Amazon and Data, Shifting the Consumer Experience: A Retailer’s Dilemma
January 10, 2019 at 11:33 am

Amazon.com has raised consumer expectations of retailers on levels of service, speed and ease of use. Amazon has built an amazing search and recommendation engine by capturing years of transactional and search data on its platform. Once a consumer has found their product, the transaction is designed to be frictionless, incredibly fast and convenient with…

The 50 Best Retail Tips of 2018 Are Here!
January 9, 2019 at 1:11 pm

Total Retail is excited to present to you its 50 Best Retail Tips of 2018! For the past several years, the Total Retail editorial team has spent time in the fourth quarter poring over the work of our expert contributors to identify the 50 very best tips of the year, and 2018 was no exception. We…

5 Retail Predictions for 2019
January 9, 2019 at 12:45 pm

Based on the retail advancements we witnessed last year, here are five predictions industry leaders should keep an eye out for in 2019.

Fast-Acting State Revenue Agencies Among Holiday Retail Winners
January 8, 2019 at 11:38 am

As retailers count their holiday receipts, clear victors are emerging. However, it’s not just retailers counting their revenue; so too are those states that acted quickly following the Supreme Court’s South Dakota v. Wayfair decision last June and enacted rules compelling e-commerce sellers to collect and remit sales tax in their states. The Wayfair ruling,…

5 Ways to Update Your E-Commerce Site in the New Year
January 7, 2019 at 12:04 pm

The New Year is a perfect time to give your e-commerce site the refresh that it needs. With the holiday season behind us, it’s time to prep for the year ahead, and an important part of that is getting your website up-to-date. Not only do you likely need to update products or service offerings, but…